1 - Characters

1.1 - Simplified skills

Trim the number of skills back

These rules are canon for my current campaign.

These rules are designed to hopefully prune back the skill list a little in ways that make sense and make some skill-heavy archetypes have a little bit of an easier time of it (most notably, riggers and deckers.)

Skill group cost changes

Reduce karma cost to level up a skill group from 5x new rating to 4x new rating. Skill Groups are less powerful than attributes, so shouldn’t cost the same to advance. In addition, few Skill Groups contain three or more equally useful skills, so charging them as double the normal skill cost seems more balanced.

This is designed to make it less painful to use Skill Groups as a way of mitigating the large numbers of skills needed for some archetypes.

Remove skill group points entirely at chargen. Instead, increase skill points available as follows:

  • Skills Rank A now gets 66 (instead of 46/10)
  • Skills Rank B now gets 46 (instead of 36/5)
  • Skills Rank C now gets 32 (instead of 28/2)
  • Skills rank D still gets 22
  • Skills rank E still gets 18

At chargen, allow Skill Groups to be taken for 2x Skill Points per point going into the Skill Group. This is so players are free to mix and match skills and skill groups as they desire.

Skill and skill group changes

In the below tables, changes to SR5 RAW will be highlighted in yellow.

Magic skills

  • Add a new “Astral” skill group, spanning the Arcana, Assensing, and Astral skills.

Combat skills

  • Rename the Pistols skill to “Handguns”
  • Remove the Automatics skill
  • Move machine pistols and SMGs into the Handguns skill
  • Move carbines and assault rifles into the Longarms skill
  • Add Gunnery to the Firearms group

 Social skills

  • Merge Instruction into the Leadership skill

 Physical active skills

  • Merge Navigation into the Tracking skill
  • Merge Free-fall into Gymnastics
  • Add Locksmith to the Stealth group
  • Merge Diving into Swimming (because honestly, Diving, wtf?!)

Decking / Technomancer skills

  • No changes here.
    • But the cheaper skill groups should allow deckers to cover all their bases for a bit less karma/skill points than they could before.
    • Deckers are perhaps the only archetype who, per RAW, have skill groups with three all-killer-no-filler skills in.

 Piloting skills

  • Merge Pilot Aerospace into Pilot Aircraft.
  • Merge Pilot Walker into Pilot Groundcraft
  • Add a Rig Vehicle skill group.
    • This can only be taken by characters with Vehicle Control Rig cyberware. Piloting an aircraft and a motorbike with your hands is very different… but doing it via a rig is a more similar experience.

 Technical skills

  • Merge the various Mechanic skills into a single skill.
    • Again, designed to reduce rigger skill crunch and increase flexibility
  • Merge Biotechnology and Cybertechnology into Medicine
  • Put Chemistry into the Biotech skill group
  • Delete Forgery skill
    • Electronic forgery eg. cloning a keycard moves into Computers
    • Physical artefact forgery eg. faking an ID pass with a photo moves into Artisan
  • Add Fabrication skill group

Knowledge and Language Skills

No changes to 5e’s RAW, so to summarise:

  • Characters receive free Knowledge and Language skills points equal to (Intuition rating + Logic rating) x 2.
  • These points are spent in the same way as other skill points, meaning that spending 1 point gives 1 rank in a skill.
  • In addition to the free points, your character receives one language that they know as a native language at no cost.
  • To increase knowledge or language skills during play, it costs 1x the new rating (so taking a skill from 1 to 3 costs 2+3=5.)
  • See also my downtime houserules, which give you free karma to spend on knowledge and language skills.

Design notes

1.2 - Downtime

Things to do between missions

These rules are canon for my current campaign.

After each mission, your characters will (usually) enjoy a downtime phase. During this phase, you get four “scenes” that you can allocate to activities as you please. You also have to pay one amount of your lifestyle costs.

You get two bonus scenes - so, six in total - if you have any of the following augmentations: sleep regulator bioware (CRB); metabolic control adept power (CRB); booster endosont symbiotes (CF pg 123) or hyper-glucagon geneware (CF pg 160).

Spending one scene can give you any of the below options and benefits. Note: almost all tests for activities should be resolved by buying hits, except for a few noted exceptions, and Edge cannot be used in downtime to effect test outcomes. Ask me if you’re not clear if you should roll or buy hits.

Also note: you have to spend at least one scene on Leisure. All work and no play makes Jack an unhappy shadowrunner. If something happens that prevents you from spending a scene on Leisure, you cannot heal stun damage or refresh your Edge pool. Yes, ouch.

Karma & nuyen activities


A scene spent on leisure gives you:

  • 3 free karma to spend on knowledge skills
  • an additional 1 free karma to spend on qualities - either buying new positive ones (at 2x the listed price, as is normal for buying new qualities in play) or buying off existing negative ones.
  • A complete refresh of your Edge pool.
  • Heal all stun damage.

You can save these karma points up, and you can combine them with regular karma to buy knowledge skills or qualities.

Reflection & self-improvement

You gain 1 karma, to spend on whatever you want.

Working for the man / people

Convert nuyen to karma or karma to nuyen, at a rate of 2000¥:1. You can convert up to five points for one scene. You can only do this once per downtime phase.

Training Montage

Except where noted below, increasing skills or attributes doesn’t require any scenes. You pick it up on the job, so to speak. Knowledge skill increases never require a scene.

However, these increases do need some investment during downtime:

  • Increasing an attribute to higher than 2 points less than your racial maximum (ie 4 for humans): 2 scenes
  • Increase a skill beyond 6: 2 scenes

Side Hustle

You spend time pitching your skills to do side jobs for your contacts and your contacts’ contacts. See calculation below. Most characters can earn 750-2000¥ for one scene spent on Side Hustle. You can only spend one scene on this; your contacts and their contacts only have so many opportunities for these sorts of off-the-books odd jobs.

See side hustle calculation for details on how to calculate the money earned.

Social activities

Hang Out

Earn a number of Favour Markers equal to your Charisma. You can use these to pay off markers you owe or bank them against future times you ask the contact for help. You don’t need to declare which contacts the markers apply to now, you can hold them as a pool and use them for whichever contact you want later.

You should expect to have to owe contacts Favour Markers when you ask them for help during play. See TBD link

Increase contact loyalty

You can raise a contact’s loyalty by spending a number of markers equal to twice their new loyalty value. I will encourage you to do a bit of roleplaying around this event! However, note you cannot raise a contact’s loyalty if you owe them any Favour Markers.

New Friends

Try and make a new contact, of any type you want.

Choose a contact rating for your new contact. Do an opposed test between your Charisma and the contact rating. If it succeeds, you find someone who will trust you enough to become a contact.

Yes, this means you’re unlikely to make friends above connection 3-5 this way. More powerful friends will need GM approval or to be made during normal play.

At the end of the downtime, the new contact will have loyalty 1.

Recovery activities

Rest & Recuperation

One scene is enough rest to heal any amount of physical damage short of being in overflow. If the character went into overflow on the last run, it takes two scenes to heal up. If you have a medical support contract, this is free. Otherwise it costs one favour marker per scene used.

Lie Low

If you didn’t gain any notoriety during your last mission, you can spend 1 scene to reduce your notoriety by 1. You can only do this once per downtime phase.

Acquire Gear

First, find the base number of markers this is going to cost you, depending on the item’s price:

Cost of itemNumber of favour markers
Below 5000¥0
5000 - 50k¥1
50k - 100k¥2
100k - 250k ¥3

You have to pay these markers for anything you buy, even legal items. They represent the extra hassle of buying expensive items when you don’t legally exist.

Now, work out if you can get it. Each pass through this table takes one of your downtime scenes, except for the first row.

Avail score (legal gear)Avail score (R or F)Outcome
Below 18Below 9You get it automatically. This doesn’t need you to use any scenes, either. You still pay markers as above.
18+8-12If you have any gear-related contact, you get it automatically; if not, you or any contact can roll. If you use a non-gear contact, this costs +1 marker.
13-18If you have a gear contact specialising in this type of gear, you get it automatically. If not, you or any gear contact can roll (again, this costs +1 marker.)
18+A gear specialist contact can roll. This costs +3 favour markers.

(These numbers err somewhat on the side of generosity.)

If the result is “can roll”, remember you are rolling against the availability of the item, as a dice pool. You can purchase extra dice on this test at a cost of 25% of the item per dice. Remember, for very big-ticket items (high-end cyberware, big vehicles, cyberdecks, etc) it can be more effective to negotiate to receive them as ‘run payouts rather than sourcing them through contacts.

Repair Gear

If you have an appropriate skill (Hardware for Matrix damage, Mechanic for vehicle/drone damage, etc), you can repair up to your total dice pool in damage track boxes across any of your gear for one scene’s worth of your time. You can spend multiple scenes on this if your gear is really badly banged up.

You have to have access to a facility; either a Garage/Workshop/Facility in your dwelling or access to one via a contact.

There is no further cost; a supply of parts comes with the nuyen you paid for the garage/workshop/facility.

Get Augmented

It takes time to have ‘ware installed, recover from the surgery, and then learn how to use your new abilities. This varies with how invasive the ‘ware is:

  • 0-1 Essence: 1 scene
  • 1-2 Essence: 2 scenes
  • 2-3: 4 scenes
  • 3+: 6 scenes

Magical Initiation

Take an extended test: Arcana + Intuition [Astral] (initiate grade, 4 scenes)

If you can’t get all of this done in one piece of downtime, you can “bank” the scenes you have spent and to return to it during the next downtime phase.

Learning spells

First buy the formula (see below.) Then resolve a test of (Spellcasting + Intuition) [magical lodge’s force]

Like most downtime actions, don’t roll actual dice, just buy hits.

Substitute in Ritual Spellcasting or Alchemy if that’s what you’re learning

Learning the spell takes two entire scenes, divided by the number of hits on the test. This means you can learn more than one spell in a single scene, as long as you have 4+ hits on the test. Other than that, you don’t get any sort of refund for part-used scenes, however.

Create alchemical trinkets

You can create a number of trinkets equal to your Alchemy skill in a single downtime scene. See Reagents in the Magic section for more information.

  1. Choose how many drams of reagent to use
  2. Roll Alchemy + Magic (this will usually be rolled and not fall back to buying hits)
  3. Resultant trinket has Force equal to the lesser of the roll and the number of drams used.

NB: Regardless of resulting power, all the reagents you declared in step 1 are consumed.

See addiction houserules for full details on these.

  • Indulge - lose 0/1/2/4 scenes if you choose to indulge your addiction, depending on its level (mild/moderate/severe/burnout)
  • Go cold turkey - lose no scenes, but you have to roll for withdrawal at the start of the next mission
  • Rehab - spend 1-3 scenes undergoing therapy and treatment for your addiction. Each scene offers a cumulative +2 bonus to your next withdrawl roll. There’s also an escalating cost: 1 scene costs 1000¥, the second costs 2500¥, and the third costs 10k¥.

You can’t combine indulge and rehab.

Other activities

Each scene can be used for 60 hours of downtime to do things like binding spirits, enchanting, making gear, etc. Anything that needs extended tests in the book and isn’t mentioned above can be done via this scene.

Modified downtime rules to account for qualities

Shadowrun has many, many qualities, and probably lots of them should affect the rules above. These are just the ones I’ve thought of so far.

  • Side Hustle and Day Job: if you have Day Job, you must spend downtime scenes working.
    • at the 5 karma level, you have to spend one scene working.
    • at the 10 karma level, you have to spend two scenes working, but earn a minimum 1,500 nuyen.
    • at the 15 karma level, you have to spend three scenes working; you earn a minimum 2,500 nuyen.

Other qualities I think should affect these downtime rules, but I haven’t yet had a player take them so don’t have numbers at the moment:

  • Dependent: reduce scenes
  • Addiction: reduce scenes when it gets past a certain level

Side hustle calculation

First, choose a skill you are going to use to freelance. Find your highest relevant skill dicepool on this list:

Medicine, Biotechnology, Cybertechnology4
Technical skills (except the ones above)3
Pilot Aircraft, Pilot Aerospace, Pilot Exotic <br/> Sneak2
Social Active skills<br/>Combat Active skills<br/>Professional knowledge skills<br/> Arcana <br/>Pilot Walker, Pilot Watercraft1
Academic knowledge skills <br/> Pilot Groundcraft0

Add +1 to this for every rank you have in the skill over 4. Don’t include things like improved ability, reflex recorder, etc - just the normal skill score.

Add bonuses (these all stack):

One or more specialisations in your chosen skill1
At least 4 ranks in any Influence skill (Leadership, Negotiation, Etiquette) that you are not using for the skill you are selling1
At least 4 ranks in a skill related to the skill you have chosen1
At least 4 ranks in 4+ skills related to the skill you have chosen1 (plus the 1 above)
Have a rating 6 fake SIN, or a real national/corporate SIN1
You have a control rig & are using a vehicle skill2
You have the Fame quality at National or higher level1
Your best fake SIN is of rating 3 or below-1
No fake SIN, or your best fake SIN is rating 1-1 (plus the -1 above)
Lifestyle is Squatter-1
Lifestyle is Street-2

Add all these together to get your multiplier.

Finally, work out how many hits you can buy in your chosen skill - that’s your dice pool, divided by 4, rounded down.

Each scene spent freelancing will earn you:

multiplier * bought hits * 50¥

This is a fair bit of crunch but each character should only need to do it once.

Remember, characters can only spend one scene on doing this sort of work before there are no more opportunities to be done. They don’t have the right sort of criminal networks and reputation to find these jobs endlessly. If they did, they probably wouldn’t be shadowrunners.

Side hustle example activities:

  • Deckers - small-scale theft/fencing of low-value paydata; spider work securing illegal business’ Matrix stuff; repairing other people’s gear
  • Riggers - package delivery (for packages of varying illegality); smuggling; repairing other people’s drones
  • Street sams / physads - paid muscle; bodyguards
  • Mages - Astral security for illegal business, providing low-level spirits for one-off services
  • Face - running cons, negotiators on others behalf
  • Medicine skills - patching people up, light including cyberware repair
  • Everyone - training others in their skills

Appendix: important acknowledgements

I didn’t realise I wanted downtime rules until I looked at the ones from A Light In the Dark… then I immediately saw that I did. A few things didn’t fit though; they’re optimised for a living campaign, so they’re a bit too detailed in places and a bit too simple in others.

So I wrote my own, which you can read here.

I’ve never been completely happy with how I’ve handled downtime. It felt a little like an underbaked idea, a randomised tax the GM imposes; “well done for finishing that run. It’s now going to be… ummm, let’s say three weeks until your next one. Pay lifestyle costs. OK next run!” This system puts players in control, with a series of options they can pursue. Hopefully, the balancing works where all the options have their own attractions, without anything being overly powerful or creating a cognitive dissonance around “well, why are these people shadowrunners, then?”

I’ve tried to minimise dice rolling, including a speedy gear acquisition path that makes stuff easier to get hold off when the schedule isn’t tight. I’ve added a sort of resource currency for contacts, to represent the flow of favours back and forth to them, and hopefully give a little flavour of being part of a group of criminals. I’ve added zero-cost healing and repair options to recover between runs.

I’ve also taken the chance to buff a few things I feel are a little underpowered in RAW. Sleep regulators become quite potent, for example. Faces should shine here, able to butter up contacts for future favours as well as find new contacts more easily. People with good technical skills might make a non-trivial amount of nuyen on side hustles, which is more for feel and plot hooks than anything else.

Feedback welcomed! I’m still very much moving some of the numbers around, and trying to balance options against each other; I expect this will continue as it gets a proper playtest. But to tell me if you spot any egregious oversights or exploits.

For all the work I’ve done, this remains very closely based on these houserules for A Light In The Dark SR living campaign. All credit for any goodness here belongs to them. Anything you don’t like was probably something I added. More credit goes to u/mercilessming_, from whose houserules I derived further inspiration & the term “scene” which was much better than what I had before..

1.3 - Contacts rules

How to know a guy who knows a guy

These rules are canon for my current campaign.

These rules introduce a simple currency for contacts: favour markers. Certain services from your contacts will cost markers; either instead of, or in addition to, nuyen.

Contacts will generally refuse to help you when you owe them more markers than they have Loyalty rating with you.

Markers are an in-universe concept; characters can talk about them. They can even be traded around (“You still owe me for that time in Cuba. But if you help my boy here out, we’ll be square. OK?”)

Contact types

For each contact you should declare a speciality, an area of expertise. Some examples are below but feel free to ask for more if you feel these don’t cover something you want:

  • Legwork: Knows things, or finds them out. Examples: Bartender, Journalist, Info Broker
  • Gear: Has things, sells things, finds things. Examples: Talismonger, Armorer, Car Dealer
  • Service: Does things. Examples: Mechanic, Smuggler, Medic, Janitor
  • Networking: Knows people; can introduce you. Examples: Fixer, Club Owner

Marker costs

Contacts don’t generally have stats. Unless otherwise specified, when it says “roll” below, the roll is:

  • ((Connection Rating × 3)+Loyalty rating) if this is the contact’s area of expertise
  • ((Connection Rating × 2)+Loyalty rating) otherwise
ActionWhat the Contact DoesCost
Legwork (Knowledge Skills)Rolls vs threshold based on obscurity of knowledgeFor Legwork contacts: free.Otherwise, 1 marker.
Legwork (Asking Around)Rolls vs threshold based on obscurity of knowledgeFor Legwork contacts: 1 marker.Otherwise, 3 markers.
NetworkingRolls vs threshold of the target NPC’s connection rating. Even on a success, you might only meet with a subordinate.For Networking contacts, none. Otherwise, 1 marker. Arranging a meeting with dangerous people (like mafia dons or dragons) might cost more, at the GM’s discretion.
GearRolls vs. Availability of item (opposed test, not threshold.)For Gear contacts, see above. Otherwise, as above, plus 1 additional marker.
ServicesRolls their appropriate active skill or uses their special ability.For service contacts, 1 marker for up to 8 hours of work. Otherwise, 3 markers per 8 hours.

Using other people’s contacts

If you want to make use of someone else’s contacts, they need to pay the favour markers, not you.

1.4 - Addiction rules

Drugs are bad, mmmkay

These rules are not yet canon for my current campaign. Although simpler than RAW, they are still too complex, I feel.

Addiction qualities

(Unchanged from RAW; repeated here for ease of reference.)

  1. Mild (4 karma): If suffering from withdrawal, the character takes a -2 penalty to all tests that use Physical and/or Mental attributes, depending if the addiction is physiological, psychological, or both.
  2. Moderate (9 karma): Withdrawal penalty is now -4.
  3. Severe (20 karma): constant -2 to all Social tests as the character’s degradation becomes obvious to everyone. Same -4 when in withdrawal as for Moderate addiction.
  4. Burnout (25 karma): -3 to all Social tests. -6 penalty to all Mental and/or Physical attribute tests when in withdrawal.
  5. Beyond burnout: each time a character in Burnout fails an addiction test, they permanently lose 1 point from either Body or Willpower, whichever is higher.

Dry Addict (also in mild/moderate/severe/burnout levels, at 50% of the karma of the above qualities): must pass a composure test at thresholds 1-5 (depending on stress level) to turn down an offer of the addictive substance. Take a 1-4 dice pool penalty on addiction tests following use of substance.

Addictive substances

Addiction ThresholdRecovery PeriodAddiction PeriodAddiction Type
Alcohol [*]213Both
Long Haul113Psychological
BTL (Dreamchip)122Psychological
BTL (Moodchip)222Psychological
BTL (Personafix)222Psychological
BTL (Tripchip)322Psychological
Essence Drain2(Critter’s Magic)/3[*]Psychological

Addiction tests

When asked to roll an Addiction or Withdrawal test, the dice roll is:

  • Physiological: Body + Willpower vs Addiction Threshold for the drug
  • Psychological: Logic + Willpower vs Addiction Threshold
  • Both: roll both tests, if either fails then the whole test fails

Addiction during missions

If you have an addiction and start a mission after not indulging in your addiction during the last downtime, you must roll for withdrawal. Roll an addiction test as above. If you fail, you take an ongoing penalty on all rolls, according to your addiction level, as listed above. This will vanish immediately if you use the drug again.

If you use any addictive drugs during the mission that you do not already have an addiction to, make a note that during the next downtime you will experience cravings.

Addiction during downtime


Drugs are more-ish. That’s kinda their whole deal.

After any use of an addictive substance, your character will crave it. This will last for a number of downtime sessions equal to the drug’s Addiction Period. Keep track of how many missions you use the drug on while this is happening.

At the end of the Recovery Period, make an Addiction Test. Subtract one from the drug’s Addiction Threshold for each entire mission where you didn’t use the drug at all. You cannot use Edge on this test. If you pass the test, the cravings end and you’re in the clear. If you fail the test, bad news: you now have the Addict (Mild) quality.

Characters with the Dry Addict quality take a penalty of -1 to -4 on this test, depending on the level of their former addiction. In addition, if they fail the test, they get the Addict quality at the same level as their Dry Addict quality, not at the Mild level.

If you pick up an addiction quality this way, you do not receive any karma for it.

Addictions place certain requirements on you between your missions, as per my downtime houserules.

You can choose to Indulge your addiction. This means you will suffer no ill-effects during your next mission. However, you lose a number of downtime scenes according to your addiction level:

  • Mild - 0 scenes lost
  • Moderate - 1 scene
  • Severe - 2 scenes
  • Burnout - 4 scenes (this means you will not be able to do a Leisure scene, so will not heal stun damage or recover Edge during downtime. Yes, this hurts.)

Instead of indulging, you can go cold turkey: you will have to roll for withdrawal at the start of your next mission, and take the penalty for withdrawal if you fail (or choose to get a fix during your next mission.)

Finally, you can choose to rehab, for 1-3 scenes of time. Each scene will grant you +2 dice on your next Addiction Test. There is an escalating cost associated with this, as your character spends time in therapy, purchases detox meds, undergoes magical treatments, etc. In a given downtime phase, the first rehab scene costs 1000¥, the second costs 2500¥, and the third costs 10k¥.

The downward spiral

After a number of consecutive downtime phases and missions during which you indulge your addiction equal to the drug’s Addiction Period, you must roll an Addiction Test. You cannot use Edge on this test. If you fail, the addiction gets one step worse (Mild -> Moderate, Moderate -> Severe, etc.) You do not gain karma for the worsening addiction. If you are at Burnout and fail this test, you stay at Burnout, but also permanently lose one point of either Body or Willpower - whichever is higher.

Getting clean

To get clean, a character must:

  • Successfully go cold turkey for Recovery Threshold downtime phases in a row
  • not have used the drug during missions
  • make one final successful Addiction Test (you can use Edge on this test, but this Edge will not return until after your next Downtime phase.)
  • and pay the karma to buy off the negative quality (at 1x price, so 4 karma for a Mild addiction.)

They can then swap the Addiction quality for Dry Addiction. They do not receive karma for this new negative quality.

After another period of (Recovery Threshold) downtimes of complete abstinence (ie. you cannot have rolled any Addiction Tests at all), they can once again pay karma (at 2x the cost of the Dry Addict quality) to remove that as well.

1.5 - Posthumans

The next stage of human evolution

These rules are not currently canon for my current campaign.

Just as metahumankind’s understanding of magic has altered in the decades since it returned to the world - with the emergence of UMT providing a framework for understanding all magical traditions - so too does its understanding of the effect of cybernetic augmentations on the manaflow through an individual. The old theories - that cyberware was fundamentally antithetical to the flow of life force and that as cyberware increased so the subject’s essential humanity inevitably ebbed away - no longer hold true. Instead, a new, deeper understanding is emerging from theoretical thaumaturgists in leading research labs.

It is true that cyberware seems to disrupt the flow of mana being channelled for magic, and it continues to be the case that even small amounts of augmentation is devastating for an individual’s ability to wield magic. But studies of people receiving posthetic limbs or transgender surgeries revealed surprising results - if anything, their interaction with the mana flow improved as the physical reality of their bodies moved into closer alignment with their mental self-image. It now seems that the harmful side-effects of disrupted mana flow are not inevitable, and come not from some immutable law of nature but rather from conflict between the individual’s body and that internal sense of self.

Furthermore, that sense of self is not fixed, but can change over and time through the individual’s will.

For many of metahumankind, it remains harmful to take too much cyberware. On some deep level, their psyche rejects it. But there is an emerging trend of people who choose to see the world, and their place in it, differently. For these people, their relationship with the mana flow is altered in such a way as they can choose greater amounts of augmentation. Their self-image is that as they alter themselves, they are not straying away from what they were meant to be; rather, they move closer to it.

They do not become less than human. They become… something else, something different. Posthuman.

Rules for posthumans

Posthuman is a quality that can only be taken post-chargen and only by characters whose current Essence is 2 or less. It costs 20 points of karma, plus 10 points per level (so 30 points for level 1, 40 for level 2, 50 for level 3…) Each level gives the user a 1-point essence “hole” they can choose to install cyberware, bioware, or other body modifications into without changing their current essence score.

Posthumanism does not mix well with awakened abilities. The total penalty to a character’s magic score is always equal to the sum total of the essence cost of all ‘ware installed, regardless of the Posthuman quality.

Posthumans pride themselves on the perfection of their altered bodies and should always seek to install the highest quality ‘ware they can. They also shun and pity cyberzombies, their twisted cousins, as unnatural creations.

2 - Action economy

Initiative, combat turns, and actions

These rules are mostly canon for my campaign (see sub-pages.)

2.1 - Introduction

Design goals, summary of changes from RAW

Design goals

First and foremost, to reduce book-keeping and confusion:

  1. Remove the need to track anything between phases:
    1. Whether a character has used their Free action
    2. Progressive recoil
    3. How much of a character’s per-turn movement allowance has been used
    4. How many actions a character has used outside their phase1
  2. Remove all changes to the initiative value during the turn:
    1. No more multiple passes
    2. No more interrupt actions

Second, to make some mechanical/balance changes:

  • Make streetsams/physads more distinctive by giving them combat powers other archetypes cannot access.
    • Also return to them the ability to frontload a number of their attacks, so they get a natural spotlight moment as they mow down mooks before anyone else can blink.
  • Give AR deckers and riggers an easier time of it – so they can get out the car/van and come along on the run without worrying that their floppy meatbods will get hurt while they are in VR because that’s the only way to get a good action economy.

Third, to explore an idea. With the exception of 4e, Shadowrun has always tightly coupled together two concepts: how soon in a turn a character acts (their initiative roll) and how much they can get done in a turn (how many passes they get.) These houserules decouples these and allows them to vary independently under some combinations of character abilities.

Reddit threads about these rules

  1. Unlike 6e-style “anytime” actions, which mean a character can use Major or Minor actions outside their normal phase, which means you need to keep track of how many they saved from their last phase. ↩︎

2.2 - The combat turn, initiative, and bonus actions

How to figure out who goes when and what they can get done

These rules are currently canon for my campaign. Although they are a bit experimental.

The combat turn

Initiative time is split into a series of turns, with each turn representing a few seconds of in-game time. During a turn, each character gets a phase in which to do their actions. The order in which characters get phases is determined by the initiative roll.

Each combat turn runs like this:

  • Everyone rolls initiative.
  • Count down from highest to lowest; when a character’s number comes up, they get their phase.
    • (Break ties with “ERIC” as per 5e RAW - compare the two characters Edge, Reaction, Intuition stats. If it’s still a draw, flip a coin.)
  • During their phase, each character takes their action(s).
  • During any phase that is not theirs to act on, any character can take one Free action.
  • When you get to 0, the turn is over1. Re-roll initiative and start over at the top again2.

On their phase, everyone gets one normal Complex or two Simple actions as usual, and they might also get bonus Simple actions3 (see below).

Complex and Simple actions can be freely interchanged as usual (one Complex = two Simple and vice versa.)

A character’s normal Complex action can be used for any type of action, but their bonus Simple actions can only be used to perform specific types of action (physical / Matrix / magical), depending on where the character got the bonus actions from.

Free actions

Each character can take a Free action on any phase, including their own. They can do this as many times during the turn as there are phases.4

Rolling for initiative

What you roll is determined by “where” your character is:

In the physical world (including AR)Rea + Int + 1d6
In VR, cold simDataProc + Int + 3d6
In VR, hot simDataProc + Int + 4d6
Astrally projecting(Int × 2) + 2d6
  • Physical initiative can be boosted by various sources: augmentations, spells, adept powers, combat drugs, etc.
  • For avoidance of doubt: mages who aren’t astrally projecting and deckers/riggers who are using AR roll physical initiative.

Getting bonus actions

Summary table; discussion follows below:

Bonus actions
Wired Reflexes / Improved Reactions (etc)Rating 1+1 Simple (physical)
Rating 2+2 Simple (physical)
Rating 3+3 Simple (physical)
AR with DNI or cold-sim VR+2 Simple (Matrix)
Hot-sim VR+3 Simple (Matrix)
Initiated magicianGrade 1+1 Simple (magic)
Grade 2+2 Simple (magic)
Grade 3+3 Simple (magic)

Note that no metahuman brain can cope with the multiplicity of inputs of being active in more than one “world” at once. Hence, characters can receive bonus meatspace actions, bonus matrix actions, or bonus magic actions; but only one. If they are eligible for more than one at once, through whatever combination of gear/augments/spells/etc, they can choose freely when rolling for initiative which “world” is getting their attention and hence which bonus minor actions they will receive.

Physical actions

Characters can receive bonus physical actions via any sort of normal initiative augmentation: this includes wired reflexes, Improved Reflexes adept powers, and other cyberware, bioware, or magical initiative augments (including spells like Increase Reflexes). But not drugs; see below.

  • They generally run from Rating 1-3.
  • Each rating makes the usual changes, eg +1d6 to initiative.
  • For each d6 added to initiative, the user also adds 1 Simple action to the amount they can do in their phase but this action can only be used on physical (meatspace) actions, not on Matrix or magic.
    • So someone with rating 2 wired reflexes can do 4x Simple actions; or 2x Complex actions; or some other combination.

Magic actions

For every initiate grade from 1-3, mages get an extra Simple action that can only be used for magical actions (incl spellcasting, summoning, banishing, etc). This bonus applies equally in the physical world and while astrally projecting.

(Note that this means after their first initiation, a mage can summon a spirit (Complex action) and order it (Simple action) in a single phase.)

Matrix actions

Bonus Matrix actions depend on the decker’s or rigger’s interface mode.

  • In AR without DNI: no extra actions
  • In AR with DNI or cold-sim VR: +2 Simple actions
  • In hot-sim VR: +3 Simple actions

As usual, the bonus actions received can only be used for Matrix actions. These include driving tests if the character is piloting a vehicle via AR.


Drugs that increase your initiative roll do not grant extra actions. However, their effect does stack with extra actions gained from other sources. So an initiated mage using Kamikaze can go earlier in the turn and still use their normal Complex action and any bonus magical actions from initiating.

Obviously, combat drugs come with other downsides.

  1. These rules eliminate multiple passes. ↩︎

  2. Or keep the values same and start over without re-rolling as SR 6e does, if you prefer. I like the dynamic feel of re-rolling each turn though. ↩︎

  3. These bonus actions replace the multiple passes mechanic of normal Shadowrun 5e. ↩︎

  4. This restores how Free actions worked in older editions of Shadowrun. It faciliates team communications via the “speak/text/transmit phrase” option. I don’t think there are any game balance consequences to speak of, but we’ll revisit this rule if I’m wrong. ↩︎

2.3 - Physical actions

Actions done in meatspace


  • Speak/text/transmit phrase (Free)
  • Observe in detail (Simple)
  • Use skill (Complex)


Characters move at different rates, measured in the number of metres they travel during their phase.

  • Crawling (no action used) - prone characters can crawl up to 2 metres.
  • Walking (no action used) - all characters can walk up to 5 metres1 in their phase without using any actions or taking any penalties.
  • Running (Free) - characters can quicken their pace to a run by spending a Free action. This lets them move 10+(Agi×2) metres. They will take a -2 penalty to almost all actions they do during the phase, though. (However, note it becomes a +2 bonus to melee combat; this is the ‘charging in’ modifier.)
  • Sprinting (Complex) - characters may travel even faster by spending a Complex action to make a sprinting test (Running + Strength [Physical]). For every hit on this test, most metatypes can travel a further 2 metres than their running distance. Dwarves can only travel 1 metre further per hit, however. They will continue to take a -2 penalty, as for running.

Take cover (Simple)

Assuming there is some nearby suitable object, this grants the in cover bonus (+2 or +4 to defence rolls) until the character moves again. Note they might get flanked, though.

Drop prone (Free) / Stand up (Simple)

Drop to the ground or get back up again2.


  • Drop object (Free)
  • Pick up / put down object (Simple)
  • Use simple device - includes pressing buttons, turning something on or off, ejecting a weapon clip, changing a weapon’s fire mode, etc.
    • with DNI (Free)
    • without DNI (Simple)


  • Ready weapon 3
    • Pistol w/ slide or quick draw holster (Free)
    • Handgun (up to SMG) or short melee/thrown weapon (Simple)
    • Long gun, sword, bow, etc (Complex)
  • Insert clip (Simple)
  • Reload non-clip weapon (special)
  • Call a shot (Free)
  • Take Aim (special) (TODO)
  • Attack (Complex) (see below)
  • Declare split multiple attack (Free)
  • Carnival of Carnage (special) (see below)


You can do as many attacks, during your turn, as you have actions to spend; the only exception is for single-shot (SS) weapons, which can only be used to attack once per turn4.

  • Complex action:
    • Fire Weapon (SS) (only once per turn)
    • Fire Bow
    • Fire Weapon (SA, BF, FA)
    • Throw Weapon
    • Melee Attack
  • Complex + Free action:
    • Multi-attack (split dice pool - as per 5e CRB)
  • Complex + variable number of Simple actions:
    • Carnival of Carnage multi-attack (full dice pool; see below)5

Recoil is no longer tracked across turns, but it does apply (in total) across all the attacks done within a single phase.

Carnival of Carnage

If the attacker has either:

  1. a ranged weapon and
  2. extra physical/meatspace actions and
  3. a smartlink with a DNI connection to a smartgun


  1. a melee weapon and
  2. multiple targets within movement range

…then they can use a new type of multiple attack, Carnival of Carnage.

To use CoC:

  • It requires one Complex action, plus one Simple action for each additional target in addition to the first.
  • Calculate recoil according to the total number of bullets fired and apply it to each roll.
    • Eg. if using one Complex and two Simple actions to shoot three people with a burst-fire gun, it’s 9 bullets.
  • Roll your full dice pool (plus modifiers) against each target.
    • (For simplicity’s sake, unless the modifiers are different, just roll once and use the same number of hits against each target.)
  • Resolve damage against each target as usual.

Note that you cannot use Carnival of Carnage to attack one target multiple times.

  1. This is deliberately a fair bit less than RAW for many characters. My table plays theatre-of-the-mind and we hardly ever have accurate grids during combat. So I wanted there to be a clearer difference between ‘walking’ and ‘running’ rates. ↩︎

  2. I have removed the requirement to pass a test to stand up if the character is wounded. ↩︎

  3. This is changed from RAW; I have removed the Quick Draw action and instead made quick draw holsters a Free action. Larger weapons become a Complex action rather than a Simple to ready up. ↩︎

  4. Although you can dual-wield them and attack once per turn per weapon, if you wish. ↩︎

  5. Shoutout to the rad action movie RPG Feng Shui, from whence I stole this name. ↩︎

2.4 - Matrix actions

Actions done in the matrix (for riggers & deckers)

All the vehicle actions listed below count as Matrix actions for any character using AR or VR, and thus can be done with a character’s bonus Matrix actions.

TODO(check CRB pg 202-203)

Matrix actions

The SR5 core rulebook has 37 normal actions plus 9 magic actions. It also has 42 Matrix actions. Kill Code adds another 11. This is too many. See my matrix houserules for a streamlined set.


  • Fire Mounted Weapon (when it’s an electronically controlled turret) (Complex)
  • Rigger Jump In (Complex)
  • Make Vehicle Test (for vehicle piloting actions eg. stunts, pursuits) (Complex)
  • Send Message (to command drones) (Simple)
    • By default, can command one drone; if the drones are connected to a PAN centered on an RCC the user can send the same command to multiple drones for a single Simple action.

When a rigger is jumped in, Control Vehicle becomes a Free Action ie. a rigger no longer needs to spend one Complex action per turn to stop the vehicle going uncontrolled. This is only true when jumped in, and jumped in continues to require VR.

2.5 - Magical actions

All magic-related actions (in meatspace or the astral)


  • Activate focus (Simple)

  • Shift perception (Simple)

  • Astral projection (Complex)

  • Summon spirit (Complex)

  • Call bound spirit (Simple)

  • Command spirit (Simple)

  • Banish spirit (Complex)

  • Dismiss spirit (Simple)

  • Reckless spellcasting (Simple)

  • Cast spell (Complex)


Remove Reckless Spellcasting (the ability to cast a spell for a Simple action at +3 drain.)

Spell defence now requires a Simple action to declare, which must be a deferred action from the mage’s last phase. However, it protects up to (Magic Rating) targets, all of whom get the mage’s full Counterspelling skill to add to their spell defence dice. This can be done as many times as the mage has actions.

2.6 - Interrupt actions

Acting defensively out of turn

There are two different systems for interrupt actions here; one is the ones we are currently using. The other is a more radical system that uses Edge instead of changing initiative score. These are not currently in use.

Interrupt actions

These rules are currently canon for my campaign. Although they are a bit experimental…

Interrupt actions no longer change your initiative score by -5 or -10 when taken. Instead:

  • A character may save any number of actions unused from their phase
  • These may be used at any point before or during their next phase
  • They can save them to use defensively (eg Parry) or take an action later for tactical reasons
  • The deferred action cannot be held any longer than whenever their next phase is
  • If they are still holding a deferred action when their next phase arrives, they can use it as part of that phase
  • No character can take any defensive actions on the first combat turn before their first phase

Edge interrupt actions

These rules are not currently canon for my campaign. Although I plan for them to replace the rules above in time.


2.7 - Appendices

Footnotes, miscellaneous stuff

Possible future changes / other ideas

  • Physads: need consideration re: the new multi attack.
  • Deckers: some bit of gear (deck add-on? A program?) that can grant an extra +1 Simple
  • Mages: vary the number of actions necessary to cast a spell or summon a spirit:


  • Force < (Magic rating /2): 1 Complex
  • Force between above and below: 1 Complex + 1 Simple
  • Force > (Magic rating): 2 Complex


1 Simple actionForce <= Magic/2
1 Complex action(in between above and below)Force <= Magic/2
1 Complex + 1 SimpleForce > Magic(in between above and below)
2 ComplexForce > Magic

Worked example with my current PCs

Old rules (RAW)Proposed new rules
Initiative roll12+3d612+3d6
Phases per turn74% chance of 3x

26% chance of 2x

Always 1x
Actions per phase1 Complex1 Complex (anything)

+1 Complex (physical)

Max attacks per turn2x or 3x3x
Old rules (RAW)Proposed new rules
Initiative roll9+1d69+1d6
Phases per turn83% chance of 2x

17% chance of 1x

Always 1x
Actions per phase1 Complex1 Complex (anything)

+1 Simple (magical)

Mr Atom
Old rules (RAW)Proposed new rules
Initiative roll10+1d610+1d6
Phases per turn2x1x
Actions per phase1 Complex1 Complex (anything)
Max attacks per turn2x1x
Project: Heartbreak
Old rules (RAW)Proposed new rules
Initiative roll9+1d69+1d6
Phases per turn83% chance of 2x

17% chance of 1x

Always 1x
Actions per phase1 Complex1 Complex (anything)
Max attacks per turn2x1x
Twitch (physical)
Old rules (RAW)Proposed new rules
Initiative roll14+3d614+3d6
Phases per turn0.5% chance of 4x

83.3% chance of 3x

16.2% chance of 1x

Always 1x
Actions per phase1 Complex1 Complex (anything)

1 Complex (physical)

Max attacks per turn2x - 4x4x
Twitch (matrix AR DNI / VR cold sim)
Old rules (RAW)Proposed new rules
Initiative roll14+3d6DataProc+6+1d6
Phases per turn0.5% chance of 4x

83.3% chance of 3x

16.2% chance of 2x

Always 1x
Actions per phase1 Complex1 Complex (anything)

1 Complex (Matrix)

Max attacks per turn2x - 4x

3 - Combat

3.1 - Combat modifiers

An attempt at streamlining this ungainly beast

These rules are not yet canon for my campaign.


Factors effecting: visibility (rain/fog/smoke), light level (darkness/glare), wind

  • If there’s enough of the factor to affect you: take -4
  • If you compensate for the factor via gear: take -2
    • eg. it’s dark and you have low-light goggles/glasses
  • If you compensate for the factor via innate traits, cyberware, or magic: no penalty
    • eg. it’s dark and you’re a dwarf with thermographic vision

Penalties stack across categories eg. if it’s dark and there’s fog it’s -8. Compensation does not stack within a category eg. if you have low-light cybereyes plus thermal vision goggles, you take -2.


Define weapon rages as:

  1. Hand - within arm’s length
  2. Close - a few steps; in the same room
  3. Near - a few dozen metres; within the same street
  4. Far - maybe a hundred metres; a large field
  5. Extreme - further

Take penalties as follows:

Pistol, Taser00-4nono
Sniper rifle-4-20-2-4
Machine gun, Assault cannon-4-20-4-6
Bow, crossbow-40-2nono
Grenade launcherno00-4no
Rocket launchernono0-2no
Missile launchernono0-2-2


Ranged combat attacker

  • Running: -2
  • In melee combat: -4 (handgun) or -8 (long gun)
  • Using off-hand weapon: -2
  • Called shot: -4 (or more)
  • Firing from moving vehicle: -2
  • Firing from full cover with imaging: -4
  • Aim: +1 per whole combat turn spent aiming, max of Willpower
  • Smartgun: +2

Melee combat attacker

  • Charging in: +2
  • Attacker prone: -2
  • Higher ground: +2
  • Off-hand weapon: -2
  • Called shot: -4 (or more)
  • Touch-only attack: +4


  • Partial cover: +2
  • Good cover: +4
  • Running: +2
  • Prone: -2
  • Unable to move freely (eg strapped into vehicle): -4

4 - Magic

This is the magic rebalance section. In addition to the specific sections below, here’s a few generic notes:

Healing drain

  • A mage who takes drain for something cannot heal that drain while the something is still ongoing. So spell drain and summoning drain is permanent as long as the spell is sustained or the spirit not yet dismissed or disrupted. An exception is binding; once a spirit is bound, the summoner can heal drain as usual. Slap patches still mitigate the effects of drain in the usual way, however.


I believe that, per RAW, the enchanting rules are very weak and uninteresting. They need a ground-up rewrite if they are to be as useful as spellcasting or summoning.

Mystic adepts

Mystic adepts, like magical adepts, must choose one of the three magical skills to specialise in: spellcasting, summoning, enchanting. They cannot do the other two.

Even with this change in place, I suspect mysads are still over powered. This is a start though.

Prior art / acknowledgements

Large swathes of these rules owe debt to: Lormyr for this post and this post (see also this thread) (and this post) u/dezzmont for these (quite radical!) suggestions

Design goals

  • Eliminate the infinite power scaling possibility for mages. Although it’s theoretical in my campaign right now, it still troubles me.
  • Reduce the incentives for mages to game the system by casting spells or summoning spirits during downtime then healing up before stuff kicks off.
  • Make it more expensive for mages to get access to higher buffs (of the order of +3/+4 to attributes and +3/4d6 to init.)
  • Give mages something to spend nuyen on; elevate powerful foci to be as rare and exotic as deltaware mods.
  • Recalibrate foci boosts to fall into the rough envelope of “+1 to +4 dice” that Shadowrun generally applies to various kinds of buff, eg stat augmentations.
  • In return, give mages some greater tactical flexibility, eg. by making spell foci more general-purpose.

Something else I’d like to tackle but haven’t currently found a way: give physads a different mechanical feel to “samurai, but magic” and also give them more benefit from the (expensive) decision to increase their Magic attribute versus just initiating again and again and taking the Power Point metamagic. I am considering doing this by allowing them to take more powers than they have power points and swap them in and out in a ritual process that takes several hours. This would give them some role flexibility that cybernetic characters couldn’t match.

4.1 - Summoning and spirit rebalance

Rebalance spirits to make them less overwhelming in combat

These rules are canon for my current campaign.


  • Spirits cannot be “oversummoned” ie. you cannot attempt to summon one with Force greater than your Magic value.
  • Any Spirit of force 8 or greater can choose to ignore the summons at its option. Expect to roleplay a short scene to convince it to answer your call…


  • Spirits no longer get Immunity to Normal Weapons when manifested by default.
    • A summoner can give Immunity to Normal Weapons as an optional power to their combat spirit type, chosen at summoning in the usual way. This will take two optional power slots, so is only available on spirits of Force 6 and above.
    • All spirits that do not have ItNW get an armour value equal to 2x their Force. This armour also applies if ItNW is bypassed, eg. by a weapon focus.
      • Some sample soak dice pools:
        • Water F2: 6 dice
        • Air F4: 10 dice
        • Earth F6: 22 dice
        • Beasts F8: 20 dice
    • Blight ammo will be fairly rare amongst opponents due to its high cost (250¥ per round.)
  • As before, a summoner can only have one non-bound spirit at a time. The total Force of all bound spirits cannot exceed the summoner’s Magic rating.
  • Spirit’s Energy Aura power no longer adds +Force to their Engulf attacks, as that results in 3×Force total damage, which is too much. Instead Energy Aura only changes the spirit’s Engulf attack to match their elemental type. 1


Binding a spirit now requires the creation of a binding trinket, consuming a number of drams of reagent equal to the spirit’s force. No extra roll is done for this, it’s just part of the binding process. As with other trinkets, this lasts a few weeks but then fades away, releasing the spirit. Binding is no longer permanent.

You have to have the associated trinket on your person to call the bound spirit.

At any time, a summoner can bind a number of spirits with a total force equal to 2× their Charisma.

Remove the following bound spirit services:

  • Spell sustaining
  • Spell binding

Change Aid Alchemy, Sorcery and Study: instead of a flat bonus to your roll equal to the spirit’s Force, treat this as a standard Shadowrun teamwork roll. The spirit rolls (2×Force) dice. Each hit on that test contributes a bonus die to the magician’s test and raises the mage’s limit by 1. The maximum number of bonuses is equal to the magician’s skill rank.

Example: Alice the mage has summoned Bob the Force 4 fire spirit. Alice asks Bob to help her cast a Fireball. Alice has Spellcasting 4 (she’s a novice.) Bob rolls F×2=8 dice, scoring 5 hits (lucky Bob!). That would get Alice 5 bonus dice, but she has Spellcasting 4, so she can only get 4 dice.

  1. thanks to u/mitsayantan for this idea. ↩︎

4.2 - Foci rebalance

Nerf foci, but make them more flexible too

These rules are canon for my current campaign.

  • All Foci have a maximum rating of 4. Add (Force x 3) to all foci availability codes. All nuyen costs are multiplied by the focus Force value. (See below for tables that work all this out.)
  • No action (casting one spell, summoning one spirit) can be affected by more than one focus. If you have more than one focus that can help (eg. a spellcasting focus and a power focus), you have to pick one. That focus can only contribute to one aspect of the process eg. the spellcasting test or the drain test, not both.
  • Make spellcasting and summoning foci multi-purpose by combining the subtypes. For example, a single Combat spell Sorcery focus can be used for spellcasting, counterspelling, rituals, or sustaining, however the mage needs at that point in time. However it can only do one thing at once, so if it is sustaining a spell that means it cannot be used for spellcasting while the sustaining is still going.
    • Additionally, allow spell foci and spirit foci to offer dice on the drain resistance test equal to their Force, if they were not used to contribute dice to the sorcery roll.
  • The total Force of all bound foci must be less than or equal to 2x the character’s Magic rating.
  • Remove focus addiction rules.

Idea to discuss but don’t yet have full rules for: foci can be attacked via Astral combat. After a certain amount of damage, their link to their user is disrupted. The focus can no longer be used until it is re-bonded to the user in the usual way (ritual + karma cost.)

Reference tables for focus price/karma changes

Power foci

A Power focus adds its Force to the user’s Magic attribute, and hence all spellcasting and summoning dice pools.

5e RAWHouserule version
F16 karma, 18 k¥, 4Runchanged
F212 karma, 36 k¥, 8R12 karma, 72 k¥, 14R
F318 karma, 54 k¥, 12R18 karma, 162 k¥, 21R
F424 karma, 72 ¥, 16R24 karma, 288 k¥, 28R

Spell or spirit foci (karma/nuyen/availability numbers are the same)

For spell foci: for one school of magic (chosen at time of binding the focus), it adds its Force to the dice pool used for one of spellcasting, ritual spellcasting, or counterspelling. Or it can sustain a spell from the chosen school of Force less than or equal to the Force of the focus.

For spirit foci: for a specific type of spirit (chosen at time of binding the focus), it adds its Force to the dice pool used for summoning, banishing, or binding that type of spirit. Or it can be used to increase the user’s Magic rating by its Focus rating for the purposes of determining the maximum total Force of spirits that can be summoned at once.

5e RAWHouserule version
F12 karma, 4 k¥, 3Runchanged
F24 karma, 8 k¥, 6R4 karma, 16 k¥, 12R
F36 karma, 12 k¥, 9R6 karma, 36 k¥, 18R
F48 karma, 16 k¥, 12R8 karma, 64 k¥, 24R

Weapon foci

5e RAWHouserule version
F13 karma, 7 k¥, 4Runchanged
F26 karma, 14 k¥, 8R6 karma, 28 k¥, 14R
F39 karma, 21 k¥, 12R9 karma, 63 k¥, 21R
F412 karma, 28 k¥, 16R12 karma, 112 k¥, 28R

Metamagic foci

5e RAWHouserule version
F13 karma, 9 k¥, 3Runchanged
F26 karma, 18 k¥, 6R6 karma, 36 k¥, 12R
F39 karma, 27 k¥, 9R9 karma, 81 k¥, 18R
F412 karma, 36 k¥, 12R12 karma, 144 k¥, 24R

Qi foci

Not currently sure. Might make them the same as power foci.

Enchanting foci

I cannot imagine why any PC would ever want one of these, so I haven’t houseruled them yet.

4.3 - Reagents and trinkets

Change reagents to add a new option - trinkets

These rules are canon for my current campaign.

  • increase the cost of reagents, for now let’s say to 1000 nuyen per dram * (remove rules for harvesting your own for a bit, they need rebalancing now)
  • remove all RAW uses of reagents (except binding - see the Summoning section)
  • add a downtime action to create a trinket. You can create a number of trinkets equal to your Alchemy skill in a single downtime scene.


Trinkets are small objects that are linked to the caster’s tradition or personality in some way and can offer a one-time boost to a magic test. They are crafted by using reagents:

  1. Choose how many drams of reagent to use
  2. Roll Alchemy + Magic
  3. Resultant trinket has Force equal to the lesser of the roll and the number of drams used.

NB: Regardless of resulting power, all the reagents you declared in step 1 are consumed.

Trinket usages

Similar to foci, trinkets can be used to add a number of dice equal to their force to any given magic roll. Unlike foci, trinkets burn out after one use. You do not need to declare how a particular trinket will be used until you come to use it.

  • Spellcasting - can aid the spellcasting roll or the drain roll
  • Summoning - as above; can add to summoning roll or drain roll
  • Sustaining - can sustain any spell for (Force) Combat Turns.
  • Counterspelling
  • Dispelling
  • Banishing
  • Hide magic - add its Force rating to the roll to avoid having magic activity spotted
    • so the test becomes Perception + Intuition [Mental] vs (magical skill being used + trinket rating - spell/spirit Force)

Trinkets on the astral

Unlike foci, trinkets do not have their own aura on the astral when not being used; they can be noticed but only if someone assenses your aura (and they can be disguised by Masking in the usual way). Therefore carrying one does not immediately mark one out as a magician to anyone who glances at you on the astral plane; they have a stealth advantage over foci. If a trinket is actively sustaining a spell, it can be seen at a glance, however.

Maximum number of trinkets bound at once

A magician can only bind a number of trinkets at once equal to their Magic attribute.

4.4 - Initiation and metamagic houserules

Cap initiation, cap max number of quickened spells, but make quickened spells more durable

These rules are canon for my current campaign.

  • Normal characters have a maximum initiation grade of 6, and a maximum Magic attribute of 12. Getting beyond that is out of reach for PCs or normal NPCs (barring dragons, immortal elves, Things Man Was Not Meant To Know, etc.)
    • If it ever matters, I might add in a way for grade 6 initiates to continue to learn new metamagics. Seems unlikely my campaign will need it, however.



  • The total maximum Force of all quickened spells on one person or object is equal to the lowest Magic stat that was used to cast any of the spells.
  • Dispelling a quickened spell now only disrupts it. It can be restored via a ritual that takes a few minutes.
  • Quickened spells cast on living subjects with a Magic stat “bed in” to the subject’s aura over a period of a few hours. They cannot be detected other than by assensing, and they can be hidden via the masking metamagic power. They can also pass through mana barriers unimpeded.

5 - Matrix

My v1.0 Matrix houserules are based on a backport of most of the new ideas from Shadowrun 6e to 5e, while maintaining as much of the original system as possible. These are (hopefully) going to be replaced by the other Matrix rules presented here. These rules are also canonical for my currently campaign. For now, you can read my backport rules here.

The rest of this section represents an early draft of my v2.0 houserules, which further builds on the backport to streamline some areas.

5.1 - Introduction to my Matrix houserules

Discussing what I am trying to achieve here

These rules are not yet canon for my current campaign, as they are incomplete. But I hope to finish them soon (at least to a playable state.)

Note that these rules are intended to be used in conjunction with my re-written Matrix fluff.

tl;dr: comparing these rules to RAW

Some loose, probably incomplete notes on what I’ve changed and why.

Changes intended to make the fluff and mechanics align better:

  • Splitting the Matrix into local mesh / the backbone: intended to justify why deckers have to get out into the field and can’t hide in a darkened, safe basement far from the action.
  • Clarify how deckers mess with other people’s gear: for example, by clearly stating the limits of Send Command.
  • Clarify exactly what a decker sees in AR: intended to resolve the long-standing “can deckers see through walls?” FAQ.
  • Buff AR accessed via DNI to close the gap to cold-sim VR: intended to encourage/empower deckers to get out into the field without having to risk their meatbods by dipping into VR.

Changes intended to make play faster by either reducing steps to resolve outcomes or making the steps easier to remember:

  • Streamlined action list: intended to make it easier to keep track of what deckers roll to Do The Thing without having to rely on cheat sheets. I have taken inspiration from the magic system in Shadowrun: a small number of standardised rolls but with the outcomes applied in different ways, as opposed to the RAW for Matrix actions, where there’s 40+ actions to choose from and each has a bespoke roll associated with it.
  • Streamlined access levels to outsider/user/admin, inspired by SR 6e. Also, access levels now apply to everything in a PAN or WAN after one hacking roll.
  • Remove data bombs: encouraging deckers to do Matrix perception to every file before they manipulate it significantly slows play down.
  • Make Matrix perception work like meatspace perception: ie. the decker rolls once and applies the same result to everything they could potentially notice, rather than rolling once per target.

Changes intended to increase player flexibility or offer players hard choices between trade-offs:

  • Included a variation on the Probe/Backdoor Actions from SR 6e to offer more variety between the stealthy and non-stealthy approaches. I have changed the exact mechanics of Probe/Backdoor to suit my own preferences, however.
  • Reworked Overwatch Score and what happens when it reaches convergence; intended to reduce book-keeping but add a push-your-luck mechanic for brave deckers.


  • u/cras_, who was always willing to subject his characters to my half-baked ideas
  • u/Ingnimortis, who was kind enough to review drafts of these rules and offer comments and insight
  • Banshee, who generously shared insights into his design process for the SR 6e Matrix rules
  • Anyone who has ever shared Matrix houserules on r/shadowrun; I drew inspiration and ideas from many such sources. In particular, u/dezzmont and u/LeVentNoir. And to u/ReditXenon, who’s encyclopaedic knowledge of Matrix RAW kept me honest on numerous occasions.

5.2 - Matrix basics

Matrix attributes, types of devices, commlinks

These rules are not yet canon for my current campaign.

Matrix basics

This is covered in more detail in Matrix fundamentals in my fluff writeup, but a quick summary:

  • Devices (in the real world) have icons (in the Matrix).
  • Commlinks/cyberdecks/RCCs being used by someone get a special type of icon called a persona.
  • The Matrix comes in two parts:
    • the local mesh is a peer-to-peer network of devices routing traffic between themselves; typically extends a kilometre or so in an urban area (more in rural areas). It’s vulnerable to signal disruption and has limited range.
    • the backbone is a world-wide network of fibre cables, satellite links, and other high-tech stuff that carries data around at approximately infinite capacity and speed.
    • the local mesh and the backbone are bridged by uplink nodes, which are extremely well-guarded hosts.
    • devices co-operate to send traffic between each other until it reaches an uplink node, at which point it is whisked away to the backbone.
    • hence, deckers are masters of the local mesh, but are hampered by having to get within range of their hacking targets.
  • Hosts are the “servers” of the Matrix
    • Some are “local hosts” - hosts that only work with devices within local grid range. These are smaller / cheaper.
    • Others are “cloud hosts.” These are connected to the backbone so are accessible world-wide. They are larger / more expensive.
    • There are whispered rumours of mysterious “foundation hosts”, strange and powerful, that somehow work without any connection to the backbone at all…

Matrix attributes

Unchanged from RAW; used as a combination of limits for tests and part of a dice pool for resisting tests done against you.

  • Attack
  • Sleaze
  • Data Processing
  • Firewall


Every Matrix-enabled device - and in the Sixth World, that’s a lot - is represented in the Matrix by an icon.

Some of these are persona devices: these are the subset of devices that can let people get onto the Matrix, in the process creating a persona so they can interact with other devices. Examples include commlinks, cyberdecks, and RCCs.

  • Commlinks are the everyday Matrix devices of the masses.
  • Cyberdecks are like hot-rodded commlinks with the extra processors and software necessary to break the rules of the Matrix and bend it to your will
  • RCCs are the rigger’s cousin to the cyberdeck, optimised to allow long-range signals for remote drone control.


When you sign into the Matrix via a commlink, cyberdeck, or RCC, the device gets a special icon called a persona. Personas are your own personal digital mirror image. Persona’s appearances are often very elaborately customised, particularly by wankers.

You cannot steal anyone else’s persona, nor can you have two personas at once. (More on why here.)

5.3 - Spotting icons & hiding on the Matrix

How to find things, and avoid being found


“Spotting” is the process of your persona device becoming aware of some other device’s icon so it can show it to you.

Spotting is an automatic function of basic Matrix protocols within a short horizon; typically around 100 metres, although it can vary with network conditions (more noise = shorter range). Your device is constantly keeping track of these devices as it helps to route traffic around in the local mesh. To detect icons further out, you can instruct your commlink or cyberdeck to actively monitor local mesh connections. See Matrix Perception, below.

Cloud hosts are always spotted, from anywhere on the planet. Local hosts are spotted the same as any other device.

Once your persona has spotted an icon, it receives an approximate physical location and direction of travel for it, typically accurate to a couple of metres but can randomly vary. In AR, this positioning information is used by your commlink/deck/etc to decide where in your vision to place the icon. In VR, your device will probably play a little looser with reality, and icon positions will be optimised for usability (for example, overlapping icons will be spread out a bit to make them easier to see.)

For more information on the in-universe experience of spotting icons in AR and VR, see Spotting & Positioning.


Once a persona has spotted an icon, they can keep track of it as long as it is within local mesh range. They will automatically get an approximate physical location and direction of travel, and if they also have (hacked or legitimate) access they can make that perfectly accurate via Trace Icon actions. If someone knows or suspects they are being tracked this way, they have a few options to escape:

  • Try to shake the tail by moving to within range of a different uplink node, so as to break the local mesh range. The tracker can attempt to re-establish contact (via another Matrix perception action) if they can get back within range.
  • Run a succesful Hide action (opposed test) to confuse the tracker and lose their attention.

Note that rebooting your device is not enough to break spotting, but the persona being tracked could turn all their devices off completely instead.

Running silent

Devices can choose to remove themselves from the local mesh, refusing incoming connections and effectively vanishing from sight. This is called running silent.

A naked device, outside of a PAN or WAN, cannot run silent. Any PAN or WAN can freely choose to run silent, however this setting applies simultaneously to all devices in the PAN or WAN. If the PAN controller is a commlink, without a Sleaze stat, it will remain very easy to detect.

Matrix Perception


5.4 - Access, getting it, and protecting against hacking


“Naked” devices - low-end things connected directly to the Matrix - are notoriously at risk of being hacked. Most people therefore protect their stuff by creating a Personal Area Network (PAN) and using their commlink as a shield against incoming hacking attempts.


Personal Area Networks - PANs - are local networks of devices all sheltered under a controller. The controller must be a device running a persona, so a commlink, cyberdeck, or RCC. The controller monitors all traffic within the PAN and between the PAN and the public Matrix, guarding against hack attacks.

PANs always run across the local mesh part of the Matrix, and have a restricted range to around 500 metres, depending on local network conditions (it gets smaller if the area is noisy). Devices that pass out of range will drop off the PAN. (Note that riggers can extend their PAN to greater ranges for drone control, as their RCCs have heavy-duty antennas. This also makes them physically bulky however.)

PANs can have dozens of devices attached to them; for most game purposes it isn’t worth keeping track of.

A device in a PAN can choose to roll the PAN controller’s device rating and the PAN controller’s ASDF stats instead of its own to defend against any Matrix action. However, it does not have to do so, eg. if it has a better Firewall stat than the controller does.


Wide Area Networks - WANs - are very similar to PANs, but the controlling device is a host instead.

Like PANs, WANs only work on the local mesh, so have a restricted range and must be controlled by a local host. Cloud hosts cannot be PAN controllers.

WANs have essentially no limit in how many devices can be attached to them.

It is common for WAN controller hosts used in wageslave offices to be running silent and also protected by RF-blocking building measures. See spotting for more information.

Access levels

Your persona can have three different access levels to any given device, host, PAN, or WAN on the Matrix:

  • Guest: the default permission level for persons that are unknown. Sometimes this means you can’t access anything, sometimes it means you can go inside a host and interact with some of it. Depends on the host.
  • User: a normal user’s access rights. Can usually read/write files, give standard/routine commands to attached devices. Occasionally very secure devices or files might require Admin access instead.
  • Admin: full control, can order devices to do anything they can reasonably perform.

These access levels apply to an entire PAN or WAN at once. If you have User access to a PAN, you have User access to every device connected to that PAN. If your persona is running on a device controlling a PAN, then you have always have Admin access to everything in the PAN.

Direct connection hacking

If an attacker can achieve a direct, physical connection to a device that is part of a PAN or WAN, they can bypass most of the protections. The device must roll its own Device Rating against the hacking attempt, and it is treated as having a Firewall stat of 0.

This is doubly dangerous, as from that compromised device the attacker can move into the rest of the network. Any access levels obtained on the device apply to the entire PAN or WAN.

Direct connections are not always easy to obtain. For many secure devices that use wireless connections to their hosts (eg. an external camera or maglock), they may only be present as physical connection points on the internal mechanisms, hidden behind reinforced casing. These are difficult to jerry-rig.

Some secure devices use wired connections to their WANs instead. These devices are impossible to wirelessly hack, but the tradeoff is that it’s much harder to armour their controlling cables and hence a lot easier to attackers to get a physical backdoor.

To achieve a direct connection, roll Hardware + Logic:

  • For wirelessly connected devices, use a threshold of (host rating ) / 2 to represent the physical security
  • For wired devices, reduce the threshold by 1 (minimum 1) and add +4 to the attacker’s roll.

These are not hacking rolls, and there are no implications for OS tracking etc.

Hacking via Snoop

If a decker is listening in to an active connection (can be a voice call, a video stream, a text message chat, etc) via a Snoop action, they gain extra opportunities to hack remote targets by inserting hacking commands into the datastream.

Unlike other hacking attempts, they do not need to spot their target for this, so they can use this vector to hack one end of a phone call, then hack the device at the other end, even if it not within the decker’s local mesh.

  • Roll Backdoor Entry or Brute Force (decker’s option) as usual.
    • Either action takes 10x longer to perform than usual, because of the need to carefully weave the hacking commands into the datastream; 10 combat turns / 30 seconds.
    • This counts as a directly connected hack, so the device rolls only its Device Rating against the hack attempt, with no Firewall.
    • It is very unlikely the decker will be able to arrange things to make Probe viable due to how long it takes. Remember that Backdoor Entry without Probe first takes a -6 penalty.
    • Brute Force, whether it succeeds or fails, is likely to alert the remote target and cause them to terminate the call.
  • Once the decker gains User or Admin access, they can carry out commands as usual and at their usual speed.
    • Trace Icon is a good choice, or Edit File if the decker wants to look around the contents of the device.
  • When the call/video stream/etc ends, the decker loses access immediately.

5.5 - Matrix damage and how to fix it

Various kinds of Matrix damage, link-locking, biofeedback, etc

Matrix damage

  • Each device has 8+(Device Rating / 2) boxes of Matrix damage track.
  • Matrix damage is resisted with Device Rating + Firewall.
  • Tests using the device take a -1 penalty per 3 boxes of incurred Matrix damage.
  • If the Matrix damage track fills, the device is bricked, and is non-operable until repaired.

Repairing Matrix damage

  • Base time of 60 minutes
  • Hardware + Logic [Mental] test
  • Split hits between reducing time and doing repair
    • Divide base time by number of hits spend to reduce time
    • Repair number of boxes of Matrix damage equal to hits spent doing repair


  • In AR via goggles/glasses/image link: no effect
  • Stun damage if in AR with DNI or cold-sim VR
  • Physical damage if in hot-sim VR
  • Resisted with Willpower + Firewall


  • In AR via goggles/glasses/image link: no effect
  • If in AR with DNI or in cold-sim VR: 6S
  • If in hot-sim VR: 6P
  • Resisted with Willpower+Firewall
    • If the deck just got bricked, Firewall will be 0
  • -2 dice on all actions for next (10-Willpower) minutes
  • Can affect any user in AR with DNI, cold-sim VR, or hot-sim VR
  • While locked, cannot use Switch Interface, Enter/Exit Host, or Reboot
  • Can take Jack Out action but with an opposed test
    • Hardware + Willpower [Firewall] vs Logic + Attack
    • Will take dumpshock if succeed

5.6 - Matrix actions

A streamlined set of Matrix actions

These rules are not yet canon for my current campaign.

Dice pools for devices

All resistance rolls below are expressed as an Attribute plus one of the ASDF stats. However, this only applies when the defender is a persona. When it is a host or device, substitute values for the roll as follows:

  • For the resistance Attribute: use the Host Rating or Device Rating.
  • For the ASDF stat:
    • Naked/standalone device: use Rating for D/F, use 0 for A/S (unless it’s special)
      • Unattended vehicles with an active Gridlink subscription get +3 bonus Firewall, as Gridlink has some limited monitoring of Matrix traffic for devices under its purview.
    • Device in a PAN or WAN: use the PAN/WAN controller’s ASDF stat
    • Host: use (Rating+2) for D/F, use Rating for A/S (most Hosts are defensively configured, but this can vary if desired)

Just lookin'

  • Roll: Computer + Intuition [Data Processing]
  • Resist: Logic + Sleaze (for Perception) or against a threshold

Determine threshold and base time as below. Hits over threshold used to divide the base time. If the test fails, the character spends the full time looking before coming up empty-handed.

General knowledge / public11 min
Of limited interest / not publicised330 min
Hidden / actively hunted & erased612 hrs
Protected / secretN/AN/A

Suggested dice pool mods:

  • -1 if information is intricate or specialised
  • -2 if information is obscure

When looking for specific files inside a host, use thresholds as above. The base time is always 1 minute.

Matrix perception

To spot nearby silent running icons on the local mesh: do an opposed test as above (ie against the icon’s Logic+Sleaze.) The decker rolls once against every silent running icon, and spots all the ones that fail the test in one go.

Repeated attempts within a short period of time take a cumulative -1 penalty, as usual.

To examine a device, roll a simple test. Each hit answers one question from CRB page 235.

Getting into places you shouldn’t be

Roll: Hacking + Logic [Attack] or [Sleaze] Resist: Willpower + Firewall

Brute Force (aggressively)

Roll: Hacking + Logic [Attack] Resist: Willpower + Firewall

  • 1+ net hits gives User access.
  • 3+ net hits allows Admin access at decker’s option. (Remember that Admin access accrues OS more quickly.)

Probe / Backdoor Entry (sneakily)

Roll: Hacking + Logic [Sleaze] Resist: Willpower + Firewall

Ideally, the decker first does Probe to scout the target for security vulnerabilities: roll as above, take net hits, split into two groups as decker wants.

  • Base time is 60 minutes, divided by the however many hits the decker wants to use to reduce the time.
  • Rest of net hits is recorded to use with the Backdoor action later.
  • Probe results stay valid for (3d6-Host/Device Rating) hours (minimum 1), but persist if the decker logs out or reboots.

To actually hack the system the decker does Backdoor Entry to use the discovered vulnerabilities to get access. Same test as above.

  • If the decker didn’t do Probe before Backdoor Entry, they take a -6 penalty.
  • 1+ net hits gives User access.
  • 3+ net hits allows Admin access at decker’s option. (Remember Admin access accrues OS more quickly.)
  • Even after the decker trigger’s GOD’s interest, if they are only maintaining access to systems that was gained via Probe then OS does not start accruing for a number of combat turns equal to the hits left over from the Probe test. After that it accrues as normal.

Matrix attacks

Roll: Cybercombat + Logic [Attack] Resist: Willpower + Firewall

Ways to deal damage or crash software. These are all Complex actions.

  • Data spike: does (net hits + Attack) boxes of Matrix damage, resisted by the target with Device Rating + Firewall.

  • Popup (requires User access): Target must be a persona using AR. Flooded with Matrix spam. Takes (net hits) as a negative ongoing dice pool penalty to all tests until the end of the next turn.

  • Denial of Service: Target is one or more specific devices. Target’s data streams are polluted with noise. Take 2*(net hits) as an ongoing penalty to all use of the device until the end of the next turn.

    If the decker has no access, this can only be used against a single device. If the decker has User access to a PAN or host, it can be used against up to 3 devices that are in that PAN/WAN. If the decker has Admin access, it can be used on 6 devices.

    “Devices” can include smartguns and cyberware. If a given action is affected by Denial of Service more than once - eg. if DoS is used against a character’s cybereyes, and cyberarm, and smartgun - then the penalties stack.

Manipulating icons

Roll: Computer + Logic [Data Processing] Resist: Willpower + Firewall

Once you have access on an icon (or the PAN/WAN that it is part of), you can do the following actions to it without any further tests.

If you have User level access:

  • Edit file (no test, Complex action) - create, change, copy, delete, or protect any type of file.

    Note that some of these actions (particularly copy) may not complete instantly. The decker doesn’t need to spend any other actions, but they may need to wait.

    If the edit is particularly intricate or tricky, GM may call for a test of Computer + Logic [Data Processing] vs a threshold to determine how successful it was.

  • Send message (Simple action) - send a message to a person or an order to a drone or other semi-smart device. Can be textual, audio, a picture, or a short video clip.

  • Control device (Simple/Complex depending on what you’re doing) - may require a test depending on what the goal is eg. shooting a turret requires a Gunnery roll. Control Device cannot override the neural connections used control cyberware.

If you have Admin level access:

  • Reboot device (Simple) - you cannot reboot cyberware. Rebooting weapons or vehicles disables their electronic features but they typically still work via manual controls.
  • Trace icon (Complex) - see below.
  • Snoop (Complex) - if you have Admin access on one of the devices, you can run Snoop without any further tests.
  • Change icon (Simple action)

Some actions still need tests however. These both need User level access to the file in question:

  • Encrypt file (Complex action) - roll Computer + Logic [Data Processing]. Number of hits is the protection rating on the file’s encryption.
  • Crack file (Complex action) - roll Hacking + Logic [Attack] vs protection rating x 2.

Trace Icon


Manipulating datastreams

Roll: Electronic Warfare + Logic Resist: Willpower + Firewall

These are all Complex actions.

  • Snoop (no access required): listen in on the link between any two or more devices. Can be used to monitor a video feed, listen to an audio call, intercept commands sent to drones, etc.

    Note that if you have Admin access to any device in the link, you can perform Snoop without any test being required. You only need to roll the above test if you do not have access to the devices.

    Once you have performed Snoop, you can also insert hacking commands into the datastream to hack the remote device. This can even be achieved if the remote device is outside of local mesh range. Roll Probe/Backdoor Entry/Brute Force as normal.

  • Spoof Command (no access required): send a single command to a device, carefully constructed to look like it came from a legitimate source. See below for discussion.

  • Subvert Infrastructure (requires User access): Take control of up to (net hits) simple infrastructure devices connected to the PAN/WAN. Control continues as long as the decker maintains access to the host. Examples of devices include traffic lights, vending machines, home appliances, desk lamps, etc. Different commands can be issued to multiple devices for a single Simple action.

  • Squelch (no access required): prevents target device from calling or sending any messages for (net hits) number of minutes. If the target is a host subsystem, it prevents alerts leaving that subsystem and deploying IC in other subsystems for (net hits) combat turns.

Spoof Command

Spoofed commands are considered to have User level access, not Admin. This causes some limitations in what you can do with Spoof Command, such as:

  • Lock or unlock electronic doors and maglocks
  • Tell a camera to replay its last footage endlessly, creating a camera loop
  • Tell a drone to target a specific person, as long as that person is not specifically tagged as a friendly
  • Tell a drone to cease firing (although its controlling host or rigger will likely tell it to start again soon afterwards)

But some things you cannot do with Spoof Command:

  • Interfere with cyberware - the neural interface used by cyberware overrides commands sent from the Matrix
  • Reboot, format, or shut down devices completely - these need Admin level access
  • Change a drone’s friend-or-foe identifier

Manipulating yourself (mostly no tests)

  • Switch AR/VR mode
  • Jack out
    • Opposed test if link locked
  • Reconfigure deck
  • Matrix defence / counterhacking (something like counterspelling?)

5.7 - Cyberdecks

Decks, programs, agents

Stats are unchanged from RAW; Cyberdecks have an attribute array that can be allocated across the four Matrix stats. Takes a Free action to swap any two stats. Remember you can only do one Free action per turn. If you want to do more reconfiguring than that, you can use Matrix Simple Actions.

Cyberdecks are reduced in price to 25% of RAW. See the gear houserules for more information and statblocks.



  • decrease to ((Deck Rating) / 2) slots?
  • add a few more impactful ones?
  • add a one-shot +2 dice boosts that burn out after use? (like trinkets) (deckers craft these with Software in downtime?)

Hacking programs

  • Chaff: any attempt to Trace Icon against the persona will be inaccurate by (1d6 * 10) metres; if the direction matters, use the scatter rules. This also applies to the tracing that happens after convergence from GOD. (Replaces Cry Wolf.)


  • Deck can only run agents of a rating equal to or less than the deck rating.
  • Agents take a program slot while active.
  • Agents have a hardware module with embedded memory chips and co-processors. As such, they cannot be swapped in and out of a deck like other programs. They take a few minutes to connect or disconnect.
  • Agent stats are equal to the deck rating, agents use the deck’s ASDF, and agent skills are equal to its rating. Hence agents are typically rolling ((agent rating) + (deck rating) [Deck stat]) as a dice pool.
  • If used to assist the decker on an action, it takes a Simple Action to order the agent to help. Then it rolls its dice pool as a teamwork test. It then takes another Simple Action to order the agent to resume whatever it was doing before, if the decker desires.
  • Agents running the same task over and over (eg Matrix perception to watch for nearby icons that are running silent) are not subject to the -1 penalty per repeated attempt as other characters. However, any tests required are always resolved by buying hits on both sides of the test.

5.8 - Hosts & devices

Hosts, common devices, and IC

Device ratings

  • Local hosts (rating 3-8), cloud hosts (rating 6-12)
    • A/S = (Host Rating)
    • D/F = (Host Rating)+2
  • Commlinks (rating 1-7)
    • A/S = 0
    • D/F = (Device Rating)
  • Other devices (1-6)
    • A/S = 0
    • D/F = (Device Rating)/2

Typical device ratings:

  1. Vending machines
  2. Public terminals, entertainment machines
  3. Standard personal electronics
  4. Basic/alpha cyberware, basic vehicles
  5. Beta/delta cyberware, expensive vehicles
  6. (and up) Milspec

Devices from rating 4 up might run additional protection software that grants a further +2 to +4 to its Firewall stat.

Unattended vehicles with active GridLink subscriptions automatically connect to a GridLink firewall service, giving them +2 to Firewall.

Pre-calculated defence pools and bought hits

Naked deviceVehicleCommlink/PANHost
12 / 02 / 0
23 / 04 / 1
35 / 17 / 16 / 18 / 2
46 / 18 / 28 / 210 / 2
58 / 210 / 210 / 212 / 3
69 / 212 / 314 / 3
714 / 316 / 4
818 / 4
920 / 5
1022 / 5
1124 / 6
1226 / 6

First number is the dice pool, second number the bought hits.


Host types

  • Cloud hosts are planet-scale servers attached directly to the backbone. They can be accessed from anywhere on the planet. They are close to unhackable, not only because of their own defences, but also because of the security on uplink nodes and the backbone itself prevents hacking traffic from ever reaching them.
  • Local hosts are hosts that only work in the context of the local mesh. Most corp facilities will have a local host that runs the office, provides security to wageslave’s devices, and keeps all their files and work. Corporate local hosts are often combined with RF-blocking buildings to further reduce their range to inside an office. Local hosts can connect to cloud hosts for backup etc, either via the backbone or via dark fibre.
  • Rumours abound of secret, powerful, arcane Foundation hosts, that are somehow tied to the mysterious force of power used by Technomancers and somehow function without any connection to the backbone at all. But ‘runners are sometimes overly fond of tall tales about the dangers they faced. Who can tell if there’s any truth in this…?

For more information, see Matrix fundamentals.

Entering hosts


Local vs cloud hosts

Why don’t the corps put all their valuable secrets on impregnable cloud hosts, outside of the grasp of shadowrunners? Sadly for the corps, it’s not that easy.

  • Highly rated cloud hosts are staggeringly expensive, and department directors and VPs are forever looking for ways to make themselves look good by cutting budget items. They’re too short-sighted to realise they are leaving themselves vulnerable to espionage until too late.
  • Cloud hosts are very powerful, but they still don’t have enough data processing capability to run vast chunks of a megacorp’s infrastructure.
  • Cloud hosts cannot form WANs, as the latency becomes too great. So corp facilities always require local hosts to run their physical security infrastructure (locks, cameras, drones, guards with guns), as well as less exciting stuff like the building’s AC and the egghead’s research terminals.
  • The corps do not completely trust GOD, and GOD has complete dominion over traffic on the backbone. Megacorps worry their rivals will have demi-GODs in their pocket, stealing their secrets. Smaller corps worry the megacorps will steal everything. So for the most valuable secrets, the most important R&D data, the darkest paydata, there is still a need for guarded data storage in anonymous facilities and data couriers with wetware storage to move it around.

Wired vs wireless for security PANs



Many larger local hosts are internally divided into different subsystems. Each subsystem has a different purpose and different access levels.

For example, a corp R&D facility might have:

  • general host: the lowest security level, and the first subsystem users attach to when they log in. Low-security users like admin staff might never go deeper than this.
  • industrial control: runs all the obscure tech junk the eggheads are using to do their jobs
  • secure file storage: where the eggheads keep their juicy data
  • security: runs the cameras, doorlocks, turrets, etc. Also runs the WAN that hosts the security personnel’s guns and gear.

In game terms, each subsystem is treated as a separate host in terms of hacking rolls. Access levels are per-subsystem. Completing a hack on the general host doesn’t give access to the security subsystem, and so the invading decker needs to complete a second round of hacking. However, for the purposes of Overwatch Score accumulation, the entire host is tracked as one value. For example, if a decker has Admin access to the secure file storage subsystem and User access to the general host, it’s still only +2 OS per turn.

Note that there is no “map” of these hosts; the internal architecture is flat. Any user can see all the subsystems at once and move between them with ease.


When most hosts are not in an alert state, they are only running patrol IC (see below.)

Once a host is in an alert state (same conditions as tracking OS - a failed sleaze action or any attempted attack action), it starts deploying attack IC:

  • Host launches 1 IC of its choosing (or randomly selected) per combat turn (at top of turn).
  • The host can have (host rating) IC running at once, but can only run one copy of a given IC.
  • If IC take full Matrix damage, they crash, but can be re-loaded as usual by the host.

IC stats:

  • Each IC has its own Matrix damage track.
  • Each IC gets one Complex action on each action phase, and all IC actions are Complex ones.
  • Each IC rolls ((host rating) * 2) + 4d6 for initiative, and for ease of tracking this is usually one roll (although it can be one per IC program).
  • All IC rolls (host rating) * 2 [Attack] to carry out its actions against a persona. For most hosts, Attack is (host rating).

IC types

  • Patrol - see below.
  • Degrader - targets the persona’s weakest ASDF stat.
    • Persona resists with Willpower + the targeted stat.
    • The persona stat is reduced by the number of net hits.
    • If the stat hits zero, it prevents the deck from carrying out any actions that use that stat as a limit.
    • Persona stats are reset when the device reboots.
    • If the persona reconfigures their deck, the penalty stays with the lowest number eg. if their Attack score is reduced to 2 and they swap Attack and Sleaze, their Sleaze stat is now 2.
  • Blaster / Grey IC / Black IC - damage-dealers
    • resisted with Willpower + Firewall
    • does (net hits) matrix damage to the persona
    • Grey IC also does stun biofeedback
    • Black IC also does physical biofeedback
    • Any given host will only have one of these programs; which one depends on how secure it is / how paranoid its owners are.
  • Track & Trace
    • Resisted with Willpower + Firewall
    • Any net hits linklocks the decker
    • Any net hits on a decker who is already linklocked does an automatic Trace Icon test without any further chance to resist

Patrol IC


5.9 - Overwatch, GOD & convergence

All about the Grid’s po-po

The Grid Overwatch Division is the Matrix police. TODO: MORE


Overwatch is a 12-segment clock. This clock is public, ie. the decker player can see it. (Delete: baby monitor program, check OS action.)

The clock ticks up when:

  • +1 on any Attack roll, success or failure
  • +1 on any failed Sleaze roll
  • +1 per combat turn if maintaining user access to any PANs or hosts after rolling any attack action or failing any sleaze action
    • increase to +2 if maintaining admin access
    • if the intrusion was via a successful Probe / Backdoor Entry, there is an additional grace period before the clock starts incrementing; see Matrix actions

The clock resets only when the deck reboots and the decker’s persona logs off entirely. The decker loses all access to systems at that time, although any vulnerabilities discovered through Probe and not yet used for Backdoor Entry remain active.

Once the clock fills, GOD is alerted to the decker. A demi-GOD agent starts hunting them.

At the end of each turn, the demi-GOD rolls a number of dice equal to the clock vs a resistance from the decker of Intuition + Sleaze. If there are any net hits, the decker suffers convergence immediately. If there aren’t, the number of hits rolled (not the net hits) are added to the clock, and the demi-GOD will roll again at the end of the next turn.


Same as RAW:

  1. Persona’s deck receives 12 DV of Matrix damage, resisted with Firewall + Device Rating
  2. Persona is rebooted, erasing all access levels and inflicting dumpshock (6S or 6P; resisted with Willpower+Firewall; Firewall will be 0 if the <atrix damage bricked the deck)
  3. Decker’s physical location is traced and reported to authorities (including owners of the Host they were in, if any)

Convergence does not change if the persona is in a host or not when it happens.

GOD & the megacorps

GOD is run by the Corporate Court and staffed by loaned headcount from all the AAA megacorps. Despite that, the corps do not completely trust it. They worry about a demi-GOD who is loyal to their parent corp using their position to leak information back to them. (Of course, they also attempt to convince their own demi-GOD agents to do the same. In practice, GOD keeps its deckers on very short leashes, so this rarely works - but not never.)

As such, the corps sometimes take measures to keep their darkest secrets outside of GOD’s purview. This can include:

  • Use of dark fibre connections to send traffic between sites that GOD cannot intercept or inspect. Can be used if the data itself is top secret, or simply to hide the location or existence of a secure facility that would otherwise be betrayed by its present on the Matrix.
  • Refusal to alert GOD to hostile decker activity. In game terms, this means the decker does not accumulate OS for hacking attempts in the system. This is not good news for the decker in question, however. It means they are on dangerous ground that will be ruthlessly patrolled by novahot spiders and the blackest of IC.

5.10 - Common Matrix actions & how to do them

Short examples of common tasks for criminals
  • Spy on phone calls: run Snoop while you have spotted one or more personas on the call. Once you run Snoop, you automatically spot all personas on the call, regardless of where they are.
  • Trace phone calls even if you haven’t spotted the icon on the other end of the call:
    1. have Admin access on one of the devices on the call or place the call from one of your own devices or have successfully Snooped the call
    2. Probe or Brute Force the device at the other end to get Admin access to it
    3. Trace Icon (no test required)
  • Mess with people’s cyberware or weapons: Spoof/Send Command doesn’t work against cyberware, as the user’s neural commands override any commands send from the Matrix. See instead the options under Matrix Attacks.
  • Disable security cameras if they are wirelessly connected:
    • With Outsider access: Spoof Command
    • With User access: Send Command to loop them
    • With Admin access: Send Command to shut them down
  • Bypass a host’s firewall via a device that is hardwired to the host:
    • Find the port on the device (might be armoured/hidden and require a Hardware roll to open it up)
    • Roll Hacking against the device’s own rating, with no Firewall from the Host
    • Any access levels you get from this test are applied to the entire Host WAN
  • Spot icons inside a host: By default, most personas connected to a secure Host (eg for work) will run silent, so drop off the public grid. Run Matrix Perception test as usual to spot them and initiate a hack.

6 - Riggers


6.1 - Driving, chases, stunts, and crashes

These rules are not canon for my current campaign.

Piloting conditions

All vehicular action happens in one of two types of environment:

  • Speed environments are when the terrain is open: clear roads, calm seas, open skies. Tests are limited by the vehicle’s Speed stat.
  • Handling environments are when the terrain is crowded: busy roads, heavy storms, nape-of-the-earth flying. Tests are limited by the vehicle’s Handling stat.

As vehicles travel, the type of environment may change. Characters may seek to use this to their advantage by steering the action to an environment that favours them and their vehicle.

Standard test types

Vehicle driving tests

All vehicle driving checks use Intuition when a rigger is jumped in. Reaction continues to apply for vehicles being piloted in AR or via physical controls.

As per RAW, stunts are an unopposed driving tests with a threshold of between 1 and 4+, depending on difficulty of the manoeuvre being attempted. Stunts are always limited by Handling, even in speed environments.

  • Basic form of test when not jumped in:
    • Reaction + Vehicle Skill [Handling] or [Speed]
  • Basic form of test when jumped in:
    • Intuition + Vehicle Skill [Handling] or [Speed]
    • Reduce threshold by VCR rating

Vehicle defence tests

When a vehicle is attacked - either shot at or rammed - we need a dice pool to defend against that damage. What this dice pool should be is pretty unclear from RAW. I am borrowing the below wholesale from A Light In The Dark; that link has further discussion about why they made these choices.

A vehicle can only roll this test if it is in motion. Stationary vehicles do not get a defence test.

  • Vehicle or drone on autopilot: The vehicle or drone defends with pilot + maneuvering autosoft. If it has no autosoft, with twice its pilot. The vehicle can full defense; if it does, it applies its pilot to the roll.
  • Driving vehicle in the meat (physical or AR controls): You make defense tests for the vehicle using your Reaction + Intuition, as normal. You can’t block or parry. You can’t full defense for the vehicle, but you can evasive drive, which applies your intuition to the defense test. Combat sense applies.
  • Piloting in VR (no control rig): You make defense tests for the vehicle using your Intuition + Intuition. You can’t block or parry You can’t full defense for the vehicle, but you can evasive drive, which applies your Intuition to the defense test. Combat Sense does not apply. Hotsim does not apply a bonus.
  • Jumped in (VR, control rig): You make defense tests for the vehicle using your Intuition + Intuition. You can block or parry if the drone or vehicle has arms, or arm-equivalents (GM discretion); if you do, the vehicle’s handling is your limit. You can full defense, and if you do, the full defense “follows” you if you switch what vehicle you’re jumped into; it applies your Intuition to the defense test. Your control rig’s rating is not applied to the defense test. The Control Rig Booster or Control Rig Optimization bonuses do apply. Combat Sense does not apply.

Controlling vehicles

A person controlling a vehicle manually must spend at least one Complex Action per turn on a Control Vehicle action, otherwise they will lose control of the vehicle at the end of the turn. Uncontrolled vehicles impose -2 dice pool penalties on all occupants as they skid around, and will either be brought under control by the autopilot or crash.

However, if the driver is controlling the vehicle via AR and choose to receive two bonus Matrix simple actions, they can use those actions to control the vehicle, effectively doing so for “free.” This does mean they cannot receive any bonus meatspace actions, however. See the action economy page for more information.

A jumped-in rigger can do their Control Vehicle for a vehicle with a Free action.

Vehicle damage

Crashes & ramming

First, work out the impact speed:

  • If the vehicle is ramming a stationary object, as long as it has enough runup, the driver can choose any speed up the vehicle’s maximum. GM might restrict this if there’s not enough room.
  • If it’s vehicle versus vehicle and both are moving:
    • First, pick a vehicle stat to use:
      • If it’s a handling environment, use the two vehicles’ Acceleration stats. Putting on a last-second surge of speed is the important thing here.
      • If it’s a speed environment, use the two vehicles’ Speed stat. Raw top speed is what matters.
    • Now, compare the stats:
      • If it’s a head-on collision, the attacker can choose the impact speed, up to their vehicle’s full Speed or Acceleration stat.
      • If it’s a from-behind collision, subtract the stats. If this ends up less than 1, use 1.

Second, roll to hit:

  • Attacker rolls: Int/Rea + Vehicle skill [Handling] or [Speed]
  • Defender rolls: defence test as detailed above (usually Rea+Int or Int+Int)

There is no clean miss here. If the defender gets more hits, they can still end up damaging the attacker - keep following the below.

Third, work out the damage code done to the defender: take attacking vehicle’s Body, subtract defending vehicle’s Body (minimum 1.) Add attacker’s net hits. Multiply by the impact speed. This is the number of boxes the defending vehicle has to soak with Body + Armour.

Fourth, work out the damage code done to the defender: take defending vehicle’s Body, subtract attacking vehicle’s Body (minimum 1.) Subtract attacker’s net hits. Multiply by the impact speed. This is the number of boxes the attacking vehicle has to soak with Body + Armour.

Forcing a stop

Attacker declares as a Complex action. Resolve initial test as for a ram, but if there are any net hits to the attacker then before damage is taken, the defender has a choice: they can avoid all damage and come to a halt, or they can keep moving but resolve it as a ramming attack with full damage for both sides.

Chases & pursuits

For each pairing of vehicles, start a four-segment clock to represent the distance between them. The clock represents the distance between the vehicles, from very close (empty) to very far (full). For example, if the PCs are being chased by two NPC vehicles, there’d be two clocks. (If there are large numbers of NPCs, combine their clocks as appropriate.)

For special circumstances where a longer range applies - eg. air combat - use a six-segment clock instead. (I don’t expect to do this often, if at all.)

At the end of each turn, roll a vehicle test, limited by each driver’s vehicle’s [Handling] or [Speed] depending on what kind of environment the vehicles are in. Compare each pair of rolls for each clock. The winner of the test can choose to increase or decrease range by one step, as they prefer.

If the clock is empty, the vehicles are almost on top of each other, and either driver can attempt to ram or force a stop. If the clock is full and any driver adds another segment to it, they get away clean, and the chase is over.

Stunts in pursuits

As a Complex action during the turn, any driver can attempt a stunt to try and increase or decrease the distance clock. The driver nominates a stunt difficulty, then both drivers roll separately against the stunt’s threshold. If one driver succeeds and the other fails, they can increase or decrease the clock by one tick.

Pursuit clock segments & gun ranges

A gently streamlined list of clock segments and ranges for different types of guns:

SMGs, shotgunsShortMediumLongExtreme---
Rifles, long armsShortShortMediumMediumLongExtreme-
Assault cannon, rocket launcherShortShortShortMediumMediumLongExtreme

Vehicle-mounted weapons

If a gun is being used manually (either via a pintle mount or manual/AR remote controls of a mobile turret), the standard roll is Agility+Gunnery. The character can choose to roll Agility+appropriate weapon skill instead with a -2 penalty. Smartgun bonuses apply to both the above rolls if appropriate.

If a turret is being controlled via VR (either a jumped-in rigger or anyone else in VR), it’s Logic+Gunnery.

Appendix: some typical vehicle/barrier ratings

Vehicles (ratings are body / armour):

  • scooter: 4 / 4
  • small car: 8 / 4
  • sports car: 10 / 8
  • armoured limo: 15 / 15
  • SUV: 15 / 12

Barriers (ratings are structure / armour)

  • Glass: 1 / 2
  • Drywall, plaster, doors: 2 / 4
  • Furniture, ballistic glass: 4 / 6
  • Trees, hardwood, posts, chain-link fence: 6 / 8
  • Security door, armoured glass, Kevlar wall lining: 8 / 12

7 - Gear, weapons, and other equipment

Houserules relating to gear, weapons, etc

7.1 - Concealing gear

These rules are not yet canon for my current campaign.

Taking heavy inspiration from Blades in the Dark:

  • Before any scene, players declare a load level in terms of the table below.
  • During the scene, players may dynamically decide that they have brought an item of equipment, subject to limitations as set out below.
  • The second column is the penalty or bonus applied to a Perception check for anyone to notice your gear.
    • Note that someone noticing your gear isn’t automatically an issue, of course, it depends on context.
  • Wearing a lined coat or having a conceal holster at levels Medium or below imposes an extra -2.

The limitations:

  1. You may carry one piece of equipment at your declared level. For example, if your level is Medium, you can have a heavy pistol or a cyberdeck, but not both.
  2. You can carry two items of gear chosen from the level below your declared level. So if you declare Medium, and you declare that your heaviest item of kit was a heavy pistol, you might later decide you have two additional magazines for it, or one magazine and a low-rated medkit.
  3. You can carry four items chosen from the tier below that.

In theory I could keep doubling here, but I plan to handwave it away at some point. Don’t take the piss and declare that because you have a machine gun you also have 10,000 knives, or I will engineer the situation so you really wish you had a spoon.

Here’s some common items of gear grouped into load levels. Some GM moderation will be necessary to slot other items into this list as they come up.

LevelPerception modifierWeapons & ammodronesElectronics and other gear
Always hiddenmicro droneRFID tag, bug, slap patch, credstick, chips
“Naked”-8Hold-out pistol. Knife, sap. Revolver speedloader. Throwing knife, shuriken.Commlink, jammer, lockpicks, goggles
Light-4Light pistol. Monowhip, collapsible baton. Magazine. Microgrenade.mini dronemedkit (R1-2)
Medium0Heavy pistol, machine pistol (stock folded). Club. Extended mag. Grenade, flashpak.Cyberdeck, RCC
Heavy+4SMG, sawn-off shotgun (stock folded). Sword. Ammo belt/drum.small dronemedkit (R3-4)
Loaded for bears+8Sport / assault rifles, shotgun, grenade launcher, crossbow. Katana.
Loaded for dragonsAlways spottedSniper rifle, machine gun, rocket launcher. Claymore, staff. Bow.medium dronemedkit (R5+), metahuman body

7.2 - Direct Neural Interfaces (DNI)

What it does and how to get it

Direct Neural Interfaces are the process of extending a user’s neural commands onto a generic system that can then be used to control arbitrary electronic devices. Basically, you think it, and the machine does it. What’s not to like about that?

Note that although many cyberware systems - for example, replacement limbs - are controlled via neural shunts, they do not count as DNI. They have their own bespoke cabling into your nervous system. However, in some circumstances, having DNI can help two systems that would otherwise conflict interact more harmoniously, for example Wired Reflexes and Reaction Enhancers.

In game terms: replace all “wireless bonuses” with “DNI bonuses.” DNI bonuses apply whenever the character has a direct neural interface connection to the item of gear, and hence can control its full funtionality via mental commands. You do not need to maintain any access to the wider Matrix to use them, but you do need either a wired or a wireless connections between the devices and your datajack.

In real world analogy terms, think of DNI as being like USB combined with Bluetooth, with one end plugged directly into your brain. Just about anything you own can hook into it and work with anything else, and your brain can command anything hooked into it.

Getting DNI

There are two main ways to handle the interface between your gear and your brain matter:

  1. Trodes are a small net of sensors you fix around your head. They’re pretty crappy, and they lose connection easily if jostled but they work alright if you don’t move around too much.
  2. Datajacks are far superior, although they do involve drilling a hole in your head and letting someone stick wires into bits of your brain. Datajacks have an actual jack (hence the name), but also a wireless comms module. You can use either interchangeably.

More than half the population have datajacks fitted, and if you exclude the SINless poor that rises to more than 75%. They are cheap and common.

Several items of common cyberware include a datajack for free:

Wireless vs wired

Your datajack can connect to stuff over a wired connection or a local wireless one. Both offer the user equivalent levels of control over their gear. Wireless, however, has the risk of getting hacked. Wireless devices can be targeted by hostile deckers with a variety of offensive Matrix actions.

In game terms, these are largely interchangeable, and you get any DNI bonuses whether you use wired or wireless connections. However, it can require an extra Simple Action to plug cables in if you want to avoid wireless.

7.3 - Electronics, commlinks, cyberdecks, etc

These rules are canon for my current campaign.


Cyberdeck prices are reduced to 25% of RAW.

Vision accessories

Contacts can no longer accept any vision mods other than image link. For avoidance of doubt, mages can cast spells through these, as the contacts allow natural light to pass through with AR content overlaid. Obviously, contacts must be wirelessly connected.

Smartlinks are now changed to a piece of headware, so are no longer eligible for addition to contacts/glasses/goggles/etc.

Other than that, glasses and goggles are unchanged. Mages cannot cast spells through glasses or goggles when using enhanced vision modes (eg low-light, themographic, magnification, etc) as these rely on electronic post-processing.

Fake SINs

Prices and availabilty in RAW are for permanent fake SINs. These last until they are burned.

There is a cheaper option: burner SINs. These will only last a few days before being discovered by routine scans in the SIN database. These are good choices when a criminal needs a good-quality SIN for a mission but doesn’t need it to last a long time.

In game terms, a burner SIN is subjected to an escalating dice pool of verification checks each day: 1 die on the first day, 2 dice on the second day, 3 dice on the third day, etc until it is discovered. The user will receive no warning it has been discovered until they try to use it.

Fake SIN (Rating 1-6)(Rating × 3)F(Rating × 2500)¥
Burner SIN (Rating 1-4)(Rating × 2)F(Rating × 1000)¥
Any licence for fake/burner SIN9F500¥

7.4 - Firearms accessories

Gun modifications and accessories

Firearms accessories


  • Concealable Holster: -2 to weapon concealability. Only for pistols/tasers. Weapon takes a Complex action to draw.
  • Arm slide: Only for holdout/light/taser pistols. No change to concealability. Weapon takes a Free action to draw.
  • Quick draw holster: +1 to weapon concealability. Only for pistols/tasers. Weapon takes a Free action to draw.
  • Standard holster: suitable for any handgun (up to SMGs). Weapon takes a Simple action to draw.

Long guns:

  • Strap: lets you wear a gun on your shoulder. Weapon takes a Complex action to ready. It might be (just about) concealable, if you’re wearing bulky clothing.
  • Tactical sing: suitable for any long gun. Holds weapon around your chest. Weapon takes a Simple action to ready, but it cannot be hidden.

Accuracy modifications:

  • Imaging scope: can hold up to Capacity 3 of image enhancements.
    • Low-light vision, flare compensation, thermographic vision, image magnification - halve the penalties to shooting from darkness, glare, or range.
  • Laser sight - increases weapon accuracy by 1. Not cumulative with smartguns.
  • Smartgun - see below.

Recoil compensation (RC) mods:

  • Bipod: 2 points of RC. Requires 1 Simple Action to set it up and get into a firing position, which must be repeated each time the firer moves.
  • Shock pad: 1 points of RC. Only usable on weapons with stocks.
  • Gas-vent system: 2 points of RC.
  • Gyro mount: 6 points of RC.

Other mods:

  • Suppressor: -1 DV to weapon, -4 dice pool to anyone attempting to notice the shot or locate the firer. Complex Action to attach or remove.
    • DNI: By electronically moving the suppressing baffles, firer can choose whether to use the suppressor or not on each individual shot, without having to attach/remove it.
  • Airbust link: reduces scatter of launched greande by 2m/hit instead of 1m/hit. Does not function without DNI.


All guns are one of three kinds:

  • Unwired / throwback - no electronics at all
  • Standard - limited onboard electronics
  • Smartguns - fully integrated electronics with motorised components

Standard guns

Standard guns, when connected to the user via DNI or cabled directly to goggles or glasses, can use augmented reality to communicate with the user:

  • Display an ARO with current ammo count and selected fire mode
  • Pop-up alert AROs to remind the user of the gun’s maintenance schedule or warn of jams
  • ARO-enhanced holographic sights

Hacking standard guns has limited effect; it can change or disable the AROs but that’s about it.


Smartguns have a full suite of internal sensors and motorised components, including a rangefinder using time-of-flight radar and a tiny gun camera.

With DNI to a smartgun, any user gains the following benefits:

  • +2 to weapon accuracy due to trajectory computation enhancing the targeting AROs.
  • Can use mental commands to change fire modes or eject the clip as Free Actions.
  • Can use a mental command to fire, bypassing the physical trigger (although it typically remains on the gun as a back-up)
  • The weapon gains optional Friend-or-Foe detection that works across everyone in the same PAN or WAN and can lock out the fire feature when there is a chance of friendly fire. (Shadowrunners usually disable this, and sneer at people who use it.)
  • The same status AROs as normal guns, plus further things like barrel temperature and weapon material stress.

However, to really unlock the full potential, the user has to have DNI and also get the smartlink cyberware. With DNI to a smartgun (wired or wireless), a user with a smartlink gains:

  • Everything in the above list.
  • +2 dice to all attacks with the gun.
  • Integration of the gun camera into their AR setup, meaning the can blind fire (eg around corners or from full cover) at -4 dice pool.
  • The ability to use a powerful multi-target attack action.

7.5 - Drugs

These rules are canon for my current campaign.


Banned. This stuff is terribly OP.

7.6 - Cyberware

Cyberware, bioware, and other augmentations

Cyberware upgrades

Characters can upgrade cyberware or bioware systems in-place, eg. from Wired Reflexes 1 to 2, by paying the difference between the ratings (in nuyen and Essence.)

Removing augmentations leaves an “Essence hole”. Your Essence doesn’t go back up, but you can now get further augmentations installed without reducing your Essence further until the “hole” is filled.

Cyberware that includes datajacks

The following items of cyberware include all the functionality of a datajack, including giving the user DNI and a port for direct wired connections:

  • Vehicle control rig
  • Implanted commlink or cyberdeck
  • Internal router (see below)

Clarification of cyberware & the role of wireless connections

All basic cyberware comes with a constantly running wireless Matrix connection. This applies even for ‘ware like cyberlimbs, where all the control the user needs is done via a direct neural shunt, so the wireless connection isn’t needed to use it directly.

This wireless connection is used for downloading firmware updates, running diagnostic routines, and communicating status and error reports back to the user (it’s hard for a cyberarm to tell its user its time for a maintenance routine without this connection. Although some corps have experimented with persistent itching sensations in particular spots, but it has not been popular.)

Where a piece of cyberware has no listed wireless/DNI bonus, a character can disable this wireless connection without penalty. This offers protection against interference from hostile deckers. However, it might attract attention from the authorities if the cyberware is visible but not wirelessly active, as that raises questions.

Corps do not encourage this behaviour in their own security personnel, as they prefer to keep a close eye on their wageslaves - especially the ones with guns, as wireless PANs and friend-or-foe tagging is key in preventing friendly fire incidents when the undertrained and underpaid guards get trigger-happy. Only the most elite troops, above HTR grade, are likely to engage in combat with wireless disabled.

Internal Router

  • Cost: 15 k¥
  • Essence: 0.5 [^1]
  • Availabilty: 12

The internal router is the device for streetsams who want to make themselves hacking-resilient without relying on a decker. It replaces the use of ubiquituous wireless connections to link together all your equipment with alternatives wherever possible. Internal cyberware systems are linked via subcutaneous wiring. Induction pads in the users palms are used to communicate with smartguns. Several discreet additional datajacks are included at the wrists, ankles, and base of the spine, for more convenient connection of wired gear.

The internal router also includes processing systems to mediate between otherwise-incompatible cyberware from different manufacturers.

In game terms, the user can benefit from all the usual bonuses for DNI without having to have most devices exposed to wireless hacking via the Matrix. An internal router system includes a datajack for “free”.

Grey/used/basic grade internal routers are extremely obvious to anyone looking at you, as they use visible subcutaneous wiring over large portions of your upper body, including the face and hands. This wiring becomes less visible in alpha and betaware, and is almost undetectable in deltaware. Although internal routers are not illegal, they are commonly used by heavily cybered (ie. dangerous) individuals and so likely to mark the user out for further investigation if openly displayed.

  • type: headware [^2]
  • Cost: 4 k¥
  • Essence: 0.2
  • Availabilty: 8R

The smartlink is a headware module and software suite that offers an interface between the user’s nervous system and a smartgun. It can only function with DNI to the gun, although this can be wired or wireless.

It offers an advanced co-processor for realtime targeting calculation, 3d modelling of the environment built from the user’s senses, trajectory tracking for each round fired that feed back into the system to make future shots more accurate, and integration from the user’s nervous system into the targeting computation that automatically corrects for movement, hand microtremors, and body posture.

[^1] Reduced from 0.7 in RAW. [^2] No longer eyeware, as in RAW; smartlinks can only be implanted now, and not built into gear or into cybereyes.