My Sixth World

This is where I put stuff I’ve written about my campaign’s “fluff” - ie. the narrative and the fictional world.

The big picture

Zooming all the way out

Social classes

The Haves and the Have-Nots


Keeping it punky

Matrix, The

How the wireless Matrix works, from an in-game perspective

Overview of what is possible with these rules

Game scenarios these rules attempt to capture

Making the Matrix

What the Matrix is made of: the backbone and the local mesh; hosts and other icons

Matrix icons

How things look in the Matrix

The augmented everyday

How augmented reality works and feels

Hacking the Matrix

Bending the Matrix to your will

Symmetric entropy pools

Hack-proof encrypted comms… with a twist

Other stuff

Smaller bits and pieces, plot devices, etc

Comparing these houserules to Shadowrun 5e/6e RAW

A quick list of the simplifying assumptions I have made


Household materials

What are things made of?

SINs and licences

A brief overview of fake IDs in the Sixth World