What this is, and why I did it
Sprawlrunners is a cyberpunk-with-magic setting-agnostic ruleset for Savage Worlds.
After a few years of battling the Shadowrun rules, my table eventually threw in the towel and ported our in-progress campaign to Sprawlrunners. So far, we’ve been really happy with this decision.
This section documents our use of the generic Sprawlrunners toolkit to create a Shadowrun-esque game. They contain various setting expansions, clarifications, houserules, and so forth that my table uses in our campaign. The end result is broadly compatible with the Shadowrun setting but contain numerous simplifications compared to the Shadowrun rules - by design.
What this is, and why I did it
A brief overview of the Savage Worlds RPG system
Why I wrote these rules
Everything about characters, generation, stats, and abilities
Quick notes on how to generate characters for Sprawlrunners
Houserules for metahuman races
Houserules for spoken languages in the Sprawl
New and improved edges
Gotta get chromed, chummer
Houserules for using physical adepts in my game
First draft of core rules
How to pass time between crime sprees, and why it might matter
The more legal side of life
Things to do between crime sprees
Not everything is consequence free…
Adding ‘Universal Magic Theory’ to Sprawlrunners
My take on No-Power-Points spell casting in SWADE
Game mechanic for summoning
How different magical traditions approach spirit summoning
Different types of Awakened characters
Rules for creating stats for spirits
Houserules and clarifications for specific powers
The astral plane; how to go there and what to do
Stats for devices, stuff that matters
All kinds of things deckers can do
What to hack and how to hack it
Disregard stealth; brick devices instead
How the decker can help in combat
How the authorities catch deckers
Extra bits and pieces
Draft proposal for integrating ManuFS’s Furious Hacking rules into our game
What it does and how it works
draft! draft! draft!
New rules for riggers to customise their ride
Deckers vs riggers
An alternative to the Running die
Houserules for using Bennies during a mission
Game mechanics for when you’re being hunted
People you know, and what they can do for you
How modern firearms interact with the Matrix
Gadgets and gizmos
Some sample weapons drawn from Shadowrun, statted for Sprawlrunners
A brief overview of fake IDs in the Sixth World
The chances of beating certain target numbers in Savage Worlds
Rules I’ve removed from my Savage Worlds campaign
Using the rules from Furious Magic in Sprawlrunners
Character improvement and other goodies
Character improvement and other goodies
Handling money for incidental purchases without having to keep track of a bank balance
Handling money for incidental purchases without having to keep track of a bank balance
Game mechanics for when you’re being hunted
In a rush? Prepared to take a risk? Here you go!
Things to do between crime sprees
Options for combat spells